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Agricultural Commission Minutes 9-26-07
Town of Bolton Agricultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Date: September 26, 2007

663 Main Street
978 779-2297 or 779-3308
Martha Ashe 67 Green Road 779-5422 Term Exp 6/30/2009
Rob Held 116 Bare Hill Road 779-2810 Term Exp 6/30/2009
Joe Kovacs 23 Harris Farm Road 779-6979 Term Exp 6/30/2010
Ken Nicewicz 116 Sawyer Road 779-6423 Term Exp 6/30/2010
Sue Storbeck 92 Sampson Road 779-6020 Term Exp 6/30/2008

A meeting of the Bolton Agricultural Commission was held on September 26th at Town Hall. The meeting was
called to order at 7:40pm. In attendance were: Martha Ashe, Rob Held and Joe Kovacs.

Introductions we done as two of the three members present were not on the previous Steering Committee.
First order of business was to make sure everyone present was sworn in. Members not present were advised to
do so at their earliest convenience and before the next meeting.

Next item of business was to appoint a chairman. Motion was made and seconded to appoint Joe Kovacs as
chairman. The decision was unanimous.

The commission acknowledged Nancy Caisse who was present and wanted to convey her priorities for the
AgCom to consider. These were:

o Sign on Bolton Town Line
o Brochures:
o Agriculture in Bolton – with the word “Bolton” at the top of tri-fold so it can be seen from a
o How to be a good neighbor – both sides of the story with some explanations and/or reasons –
“give and take”
o Place these brochures at real estate offices, library, schools, doctor’s office, public businesses,
 Cost money but at one of the steering committee meetings, someone volunteered to assist
with this; also see if we can work with MDAR for a monetary grant
o This should be the earliest project because the town needs all residents to be aware of the
atmosphere of this town – it will help to avert problems. Also new residents in town need to have
the understanding.
o Mass Extension Program – “Agriculture in the Classroom”.
o Work with Board of Heath regarding composting regulations.

Decision was made by the commission to invite to the next meeting the previous steering committee members to
also provide them an opportunity to express their concerns and suggestions for the commission to consider.
Next Joe presented feedback that the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) is
conducting training for new Agricultural Commissions in towns. Our contact person, Cheryl Lekstrom, is in the
process of confirming two AgCom Workshops (trainings):

o Saturday, October 27 in Coolidge Hall at the Topsfield Fairgrounds, 9-4
o Sunday, November 18 at the Brigham Hill Community Farm in North Grafton, 9-4

Both will have similar programs addressing the requested needs of AgComs. Sample agenda is attached.
She will be coming out with an announcement soon. Meanwhile keep checking and
participate on the AgCom yahoo listserve.

(NOTE: The above dates have not been confirmed as of 10/5 and will be changing.)

To subscribe to the agriculturalcommissions group, go to:
Joe presented two items for discussion that the commission needs to consider:

o Meeting schedule – how often and when
o Establish priorities / work plan

In terms of a meeting schedule, it was discussed that once every three weeks right now seems appropriate with a
second meeting at the end of October / early November when everyone is back in town. Tentative dates were
October 30th or November 6th. Joe will set this up.

It was also discussed to meeting with the Board of Heath and Conservation Commission. Joe will set these up.
An initial draft worklist was presented by Joe (below). The request is for all members to consider what is
important to add to the list, think about what the priorities should be, and determine which item on the list that they
want to head it. The working model proposed is for everyone to head up an item on the priorities list and head it
up by preparing goals and a working plan that the commission would review and adopt.

o Inventory of Agriculture in Bolton (get form State?)
o Survey farmers and determine needs
o Board liaisons: Health, Selectman, ConCom
o Work with BoH on composting regulations
o Communication website
o Promotion of Farmer’s Market, Farm Stands
o Alternative energy for the farm
o Educating the public, Mass Ag in the Classroom
o Animal Welfare Regulations
o Chapter land legislative changes or Farming in wetlands

The meeting concluded at approximately 8:25 pm.

Meeting Schedule:
o October 30th, 7:30 – 9:00 pm @ Town Hall