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Advisory Committee Minutes 03-01-16
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Brad Cote
March 1, 2016                                                   Connie Benjamin
                                                                Joseph Myerson
                                                                Ted Kirchner
                                                                Craig Lauer
                                                                Kenneth Troup
Chairman Cote called the Advisory Committee meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The entire meeting can be watched by going to http://www.townhallstreams.

The assessors reviewed the home sales for 2015 and the anticipated valuations that will affect the next tax rate.  Single family home sales averaged about 95% of assessed valuation which indicates an approximate 3 to 5% increase in valuation.  Condo sales were fewer and about 93% of assessed valuation.  Little or no increase in overall assessed valuation of condos is expected.  There are only about 30 new homes under construction, of which about half are already more than 50% complete.  The assessors estimate New Construction for the coming year to be $165,000. They also noted that they will be returning $60,000 from the Overlay account for 2012.

In reviewing account 141, the assessors explained that there is a 3% increase built into contract for the principal assessor.  Later in the meeting, the Advisory Committee approved Account 141 by a vote of 5-0.

The 179 budget has been the same for the last four years.  The Commission is looking for ways to improve its website and has planned events to promote and explain agriculture in Bolton.  Later in the meeting, the Advisory Committee approved Account 179 by a vote of 5-0.

The Capital Planning Committee reviewed its capital recommendations in priority order.  This included two culverts that need replacement, on Berlin Road and Wilder Road; there was little discussion of those.  The front of the town hall needs repair, with a $325,000 estimate.  Some questions were raised about a proposed $31,000 repair of the paved areas behind the public safety building and the front sidewalk.  These were apparently done incorrectly and are causing drainage problems that are damaging the building.  DPW has proposed a new Ford 550 truck that is used year round.  

Capital Planning’s list of capital projects for 2017 included additional funding in line with current engineering estimates of $400,000 for the replacement of the lights at Route 117/110.  The selectmen, present at the meeting, reported that DPW has found a used electronic controller, camera assembly for demand response on Route 110, and new LED lights that could be purchased and installed for $27,600 plus installation.  This would be a stop gap solution as it would not create a turn lane or otherwise improve the intersection.  But it would save money in the short term.  The selectmen have not yet taken a position on the interim solution and need to meet with DPW.

Capital Planning and Advisory also discussed snow plowing and the pros and cons of contracting out plowing in lieu of additional truck ownership by the town.

No votes were taken by Advisory on the items prioritized by Capital Planning.

Craig Lauer reported that he had obtained recent phone bills from the Police Administrative Assistant and has been reviewing the bills and sees opportunities to save money.  The selectmen noted that the phone layout is likely to change significantly with the switchover of the dispatch function to Devens, which is currently scheduled for June 30.  Chairman Cote asked Craig to meet with Town Administrator Don Lowe and then the police to further discuss the telephone situation.

The draft warrant will be provided to the Advisory Committee so that it can be reviewed at the next meeting.  

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Kenneth Troup