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Advisory Committee Minutes 02-27-14
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Terry Abdalian
February 27, 2014                                               Randy Dinjian
                                                                Connie Benjamin
                                                                Brad Cote
Stacia Downey

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Present:  Roger Breeze, Diane Swenson, Don Hallisey

The Vault Study Committee (VSC) requested that $30,800 be added to the Town Clerk’s budget for a feasibility study in order to determine the steps needed to proceed with the building of s Town Vault. If the feasibility study is approved, it is anticipated that in FY2016 there would be request of approximately $400,000 to build the vault. Some members of the Advisory Committee questioned the need to spend these funds now, because Massachusetts’ requirements do not indicate a timetable and no fines have been assessed for not having a vault in place.

The Advisory Committee recommended that the request for the feasibility study was more appropriate as a Warrant article rather than being included in the budget, because (1) it would allow the VSC to do a presentation at Town Meeting, and (2) if approved, it would indicate tacit approval to build the vault. The Vault Study Committee agreed with this approach.

Present: Don Low, Town Administrator

Moderator (114): The budget requested for FY2015 is $100, and there were no revisions to the budget.

Selectmen (122): The budget requested for FY2015 is $18,697, and there were no revisions to the budget.

It is expected that a portion of Purchase of Services (5200) and Engineering Services (5301) will be used to evaluate Persons Park in FY2015.

Town Administrator (123):  As a result of the budget discussions, the following revisions were made:
        Purchase of Services (5200) was decreased from $1,850 to $1,000
        In-state Travel (5710) was increased from $750 to $950
        Meetings (5781) was decreased from $500 to $300

Legal Services (151):  As a result of the budget discussions. the following revision was made:
        Purchase of Services (5200) was increased from $35,000 to $45,000

Town Hall (192): As a result of the budget discussions, the following revision was made:
        Telephone (5340) was decreased from $10,800 to $6,000

Building Insurance (194): The budget requested for FY 2015 is $34,243, and there were no revisions to the budget.

Town Reports (195): The budget requested for FY 2015 is $3,700, and there were no revisions to the budget. This budget includes both the Annual Town Report and the Town Warrant.

Sewer (440): As a result of the budget discussions, the following revision was made:
        Purchase of Services (5200) was increased from $6,900 to $8,000

Workers’ Compensation (912): The budget requested for FY 2015 is $39,702, and there were no revisions to the budget.

Other Insurance (945): The budget requested for FY 2015 was $68,742, and there were no revisions to the budget.

On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer from the Advisory Reserve in the amount of $10,000 to pay for legal expenses (151-5200). (Abdalian – yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Downey – yes)

On a motion made by Cote and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer from the Advisory Reserve in the amount of $11,000 to purchase replacement Jaws of Life cutters. The current set is damaged and not repairable. (Abdalian – yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Downey – yes)

Present: Tom Wildman and Susan Teauber

Recreation (630): As a result of the budget discussions, the following revisions were made:
        Wages – Swimming (5113) was increased from $8,134 to $18,259
        Purchase of Services (5200) was decreased from $6,600 to $1,940
        Equipment (5270) was decreased from $4,100 to $3,300
        Supplies (5400) was increased from $2,200 to $3,360

Parks (650): As a result of the budget discussions, the following revision was made:
        Purchase of Services (5200) was increased from $2,948 to $4,040

Present: Michael Guerin, Michael Gorr, Colin Bradley

Capital Planning reviewed the FY2015 capital projects with the Advisory Committee. They will be returning on March 4, 2014 to report on how the projects are prioritized.
  • Town Vault Engineering Study -- $30,800
  • Meadow, Long Hill, Randall Road Culvert Replacement -- $125,000
  • DPW Body Sanders Body Replacement -- $72,000
  • Old Fire Station, Paint and Repair -- $38,000
  • Police Cruiser -- $42,268
  • Fire Apparatus -- $545,000
  • Rescue Equipment -- $36,000
  • Ambulance -- $250,000
  • Safety Cameras -- $17,568
The Advisory Committee will continue to discuss and review options, and determine funding alternatives.

  • The Town Clerk budget (161) was increased by $1,000 to reflect the stipend for the Clerk’s certification per May 2013 ATM Article 6.
  • The Veterans Services budget (543) was increased by $200 for postage.
  • It was noted that the Conservation Commission voted unanimously at their meeting of February 18, 2014, to limit the use of the Conservation Trust Fund to land preservation/acquisition projects, including but not limited to appraisals, survey work, title work, and land planning activities such as soil testing and other exploratory activities.~No revisions to their budget were made.
  • Responses to a letter sent to Bolton’s school committee members and the Nashoba Regional School District’s (NRSD) superintendent and vice-superintendent were discussed.  
  • The NRSD Fy2015 budget adjustments were discussed. The School Committee will vote on the NRSD budget on March 11, 2014.
On a motion by Cote and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to adjourn at 10:35 p.m.  (Abdalian – yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Downey – yes)

Respectfully submitted by Terry Abdalian