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Advisory Committee Minutes 02-04-14
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Terry Abdalian
February 4, 2014                                                Randy Dinjian
                                                                Bob Czekanski
                                                                Connie Benjamin
Brad Cote
Stacia Downey
Julie Costello

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Abdalian stated that the Advisory Committee reviews each department’s budgets and capital requests and makes recommendations on all articles at Town Meeting.

Present:  Nancy Federspiel, Lorraine Romasco and George King

The proposed FY2015 budget for the Nashoba Regional School District is $50,516,022, an increase of 3.72%.  This is a level service budget.  Bolton’s assessment would be $12,546,551, an increase of 4.83% or $577,873.  The budget should be finalized and voted on at the 3/11/14 meeting.

Present:  Mark Caisse

The budget requested for FY2015 is $47,345, no increase over FY2014.  There were no changes made in the budget.

Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

The budget requested for FY2015 is $36,850, no increase over FY2014.  There were no changes made in the budget.

Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

The budget requested for FY2015 is $2,700, no increase over FY2014.  There were no changes made in the budget.
Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

The budget requested for FY2015 is $764,589, an increase of 1.5% over FY2014 primarily due to step increases in wages and a new mower.  The Advisory Committee asked them to look at the part-time EMT wages and report back.  There were no changes made in the budget.

Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

The budget requested for FY2015 is $215,100, no increase over FY2014.  The department requested that $5,000 in miscellaneous be removed from the FY2015 requested budget.

SNOW & ICE (423)
Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

The budget requested for FY2015 is $180,000, no increase over FY2014.  There were no changes made in the budget.

Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

The budget requested for FY2015 is $6,750, no increase over FY2014.  There were no changes made in the budget.

Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

The budget requested for FY2015 is $180,265, an increase of 13.2% over FY2014 primarily due to a request for new containers.  Trash disposal was decreased from $60,000 to $59,000, Recycling hauling was decreased from $18,000 to $16,000 and Equipment was decreased from $22,000 to $1,000 for a net decrease of $24,000.  They will look into leasing containers as opposed to purchasing them.

Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

The budget requested for FY2015 is $7,440, no increase over FY2014.  There were no changes made in the budget.

WATER (450)
Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

The budget requested for FY2015 is $7,000, no increase over FY2014.  There were no changes made in the budget.
Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

The budget requested for FY2015 is $8,000, no increase over FY2014.  There were no changes made in the budget.

Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

The budget requested for FY2015 is $1,300, a decrease of 65.8% over FY2014 primarily due to the software being purchased in FY2014.  There were no changes made in the budget.  

Present:  Harold Brown and Michelle O’Toole

On a motion by Czekanski and seconded by Cote, the Advisory Committee approved to allow the DPW to overspend the snow and ice budget by an additional $100,000.  (Abdalian – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Downey – yes)


Other Business:
  • Minutes had not been reviewed by all committee members.  Abdalian stressed the importance of reviewing and approving the minutes on a timely basis.
  • The Veterans’ benefits line item will be reduced to $12,000 from $14,500 based on the meeting between the Town Accountant and Veteran’s Agent.
  • The Advisory Committee agreed to increase the motor vehicle excise estimate on local receipts from $710,000 to $800,000.  Dinjian stated the committee will take responsibility for the estimate.
On a motion by Dinjian and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to adjourn at 10:23 p.m.  (Abdalian – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Downey – yes)

Respectfully submitted by Julie Costello