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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-14-14
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Terry Abdalian
January 14, 2014                                                Randy Dinjian
                                                                Bob Czekanski
                                                                Connie Benjamin
Stacia Downey
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.
On a motion by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the minutes for the following Advisory Committee meetings were approved: September 10, 2013, September 17, 2013, September 26, 2013, October 16, 2013, October 22, 2013, and November 5, 2013. (Abdalian – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes,)

On a motion by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the minutes for the December 3, 2013 Advisory Committee meeting were approved. (Abdalian – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Downey (after appointment) – yes)

Present: Mike Sauvageau
The budget requested for FY2015 is $27,261, an increase of 2.5% over FY2014 primarily due to a step increase in Wages-Inspector. There were no changes made in the budget.

Mr. Sauvageau indicated that for FY2014 the line item for Training would be used to purchase shirts and safety gear, which is an infrequent expenditure. Training is a biannual expense; on alternate years Training is paid for in Lunenburg’s budget. Mr. Sauvageau works 15 hours in Bolton and 36 hours in Lunenburg.

Present: Rich Pelletier and Jan Johnson

The Advisory Committee asked the Agricultural Commission to review their budget and come up with a plan for how they intend to spend the requested amount of $1,746. They will either return to the Advisory Committee or at a minimum send an updated budget before the middle of March.

Mr. Dinjian suggested that if there are Right to Farm signs that need to be replaced, this could be done in FY2014.

Present: Linda Englemann

The budget requested for FY 2015 is $6,250, which is the same as in the prior 2 years. As a result of the budget discussions, the following revisions were made:

Purchase of Services (5200) was increased by $430 from $5,000 to $5,430 to include the purchase of signage.
Supplies (5400) was reduced by $430 from $530 to $100 to include only consumable supplies.

Ms. Englemann stated that included in FY2015 Purchase of Services is the purchase of 6 signs for town buildings, which had been previously approved by the Board of Selectmen, for a total of cost of approximately $1,650. Also included in Purchase of Services is $3,000 for the last Pan Area survey payment. The Commission expects to use the balance in this account, approximately $780, to repair historical cemetery tombstones. In FY2016, the Historical Commission plans to hire a consultant to assist them in putting the Old South and West Cemeteries on the National Registry.

Present: Kevin O’Brien

The budget requested for FY2015 is $200. As a result of the budget discussion, the budget was reduced to $100.

Mr. O’Brien stated that the Housing Authority’s mission is to deal with low income housing for people making less than 50% of median income. Subsequent to the building of senior housing, the Authority has had no prospects (i.e. funding possibilities) for establishing any low-income units. In FY2014, Bolton joined a municipal housing services program consisting of a consortium of towns. This group essentially provides services similar to that of the Authority. The cost for Bolton’s membership is not to exceed $10,000 in the first year of participation.

Present: James Cabral, Veterans Agent

The budget requested for FY 2015 is $15,704. The town receives back 75% of what is spent for Veterans Benefits.

The Advisory Committee questioned whether FY 2015 Veterans Benefits were adequate. In the first six months of 2014, 75% of the $11,000 budgeted for Veterans Services has been expended. Mr. Cabral will review FY2014 estimated expenditures and revise the FY2015 budget accordingly, based on serving the same veterans as in FY2014. Mr. Cabral will return to the Advisory Committee with an updated budget.

Present: Chris Slade

The budget requested for FY2015 is $44,985, an increase of 1.9% over FY2014, primarily due to a step increase in Wages (5114). There were no changes made in the budget.

The Nashoba Associated Boards of Health (NABH) fee is based on the 15 participating towns populations, using the most recent 10-year federal census.

Present: Chris Slade

The budget requested for FY2015 is $4,774. There were no changes made in the budget.

In FY 2016 NABH is considering whether to hire a part-time caseworker to assist nursing. Mr. Slade will let the Advisory Committee know what the costs are anticipated to be as soon as he knows.

Present: From the Board of Assessors -- Jeff Nichols and Charlotte Johnson; Assistant Assessor -- Cynthia Bradbury

The budget requested for FY2015 is $128,578. There were no changes made in the budget.

The primary expense included in Purchase of Services is for the consulting contract with Regional Resource Group (Herald Scheid and David Manzello). In FY2015, the fee will increase from $63,500 to $65,000. The remaining $5,600 in FY2015 Purchase of Services is to hire a consultant to build a defensible model that can be replicated showing the effect of the change from agricultural to commercial use (e.g., agricultural to solar). The Board of Assessors believes that it is reasonably probable that this expense will be needed in FY2015.

The Advisory Committee and the Board of Assessors discussed Bolton’s property values. Residential property values have increased approximately 2%. While permitting is up, it is mostly for small projects. The estimate for New Growth remains at $150,000.

The Advisory Committee asked the Assessors for a benchmark in determining the effect of returning available funds to Bolton taxpayers. Ms. Bradbury will send that information to the Advisory Committee.


Snow and Ice Expenditure: The Advisory Committee discussed the pros and cons of raising the Snow and Ice budget.

Revenue Sources: The Advisory Committee discussed the reimbursement by the Nashoba Regional School District to Bolton for the school resource officer wages. This expense will be shared by all three towns. From all accounts, this program has been very successful.

School Committee Representatives: The Advisory Committee discussed agenda items for the February 4, 2014, meeting with the School Committee.

Advisory Committee Analysis: The Advisory Committee reviewed the weekly analysis spreadsheet prepared by Ms. Abdalian.

On a motion made by Czekansi and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to adjourn at 10:12 p.m.  (Abdalian – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Downey – yes)

Respectfully submitted by Terry Abdalian