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Advisory Committee Minutes 06-18-13
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Randy Dinjian
June 18, 2013                                                   Connie Benjamin
Brad Cote
Terry Abdalian
Linda Day, Town Secretary
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Legal:  On a motion made by Benjamin and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $4,567.11 to the Legal Account (151), Purchase of Service (5200) to cover costs for legal services.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Abdalian – yes)  
Fire:  On a motion made by Benjamin and seconded by Cote, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $5,345 to the Fire Account (220), Wages (5115) for call firefighter wages. (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Abdalian – yes)  
On a motion made by Benjamin and seconded by Cote, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $560 to the Fire Account (220), Repairs (5241) for unexpected repairs to Engine 5.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Abdalian – yes)  
MIS:  On a motion made by Benjamin and seconded by Cote, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $2,650 to the MIS Account (155) to cover unexpected expenses.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Abdalian – yes)  
Town Reports:  On a motion made by Cote and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $300 to the Town Reports Account (195), Purchase of Service (5200) for the mailing of the warrant for the May 2013 Annual Town Meeting.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Abdalian – yes)
Ambulance:  On a motion made by Benjamin and seconded by Cote, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $6,177.44 to the Ambulance Account (231), Repairs (5240) for vehicle repairs and other unexpected expenses.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Abdalian – yes)  
On a motion made by Cote and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $4,473.57 to the Ambulance Account (231), Wages (5112) for EMT wages.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Abdalian – yes)  
On a motion made by Cote and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $3,191.10 to the Ambulance Account (231), Wages (5116) for EMT wages.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Abdalian – yes)  
On a motion made by Benjamin and seconded by Cote, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the following end of year budget transfers per Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 33B.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Abdalian – yes)  
Parks:  $200 from Account 630 - Recreation, Purchase of Service (5200) line item to be transferred to Account 650 – Parks, Purchase of Service (5200) line item.
Recreation:  $1,200 from Account 630 - Recreation, Purchase of Service (5200) line item to be transferred to Account 630 – Parks, Wages (5113) line item.
Minutes:  On a motion made by Benjamin and seconded by Cote, the Advisory Committee approved the minutes of  January 8, 15 & 22, February 12, 19, March 12, April 2, 16 & 30, May 6, 2013.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Abdalian – yes)  
Deferred to next meeting.
On a motion made by Benjamin and seconded by Cote, the Advisory Committee adjourned at 8:05 p.m.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Cote – yes, Abdalian – yes)  
Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day