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Advisory Committee Minutes 04-16-13
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Randy Dinjian
April 16, 2013                                                  Robert Czekanski
Connie Benjamin
Mike Zelenkov
Brad Cote
Terry Abdalian
The Advisory Committee met at the town hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  David Lindsay, Chairman, Board of Selectmen

Fire Chief John Mentzer met with the Advisory Committee to request a transfer from the reserve fund to purchase uniforms for 21 non-union call firefighters.  

Fire Chief Mentzer stated that the union call firefighters receive station uniforms as outlined in the union contract and in order to maintain equality he would like to do the same for the non-union call firefighters.  

The uniform would include two shirts, one pair of pants, one pair of work boots and one pullover sweatshirt.  The cost to uniform 21 non-union call firefighters is $6,090 ($290/uniform).  To minimize the impact to the Town, Fire Chief Mentzer can contribute $1,000 from the Fire Department’s Dewhurst donation account to the cost of the uniforms.   

The Advisory Committee was favorable to the transfer request but recommended that Fire Chief Mentzer review his FY13 budget for surplus money that could be used toward the purchase.  Fire Chief Mentzer will be scheduled to meet with the Advisory Committee on April 23, 2013.

Mr. Lindsay recommended that funds be budgeted annually for replacement uniforms versus requesting a transfer from the reserve fund.  

Mr. Czekanski encouraged Fire Chief Mentzer to start the educational process sooner rather than later regarding the purchase of a new fire truck in preparation for a special or annual town meeting.  Mr. Dinjian was loath to placing spending articles on a special town meeting warrant.

The Advisory Committee agreed that they will make a statement for any article(s) disapproved by the Advisory Committee or any articles where the Advisory Committee and Board of Selectmen have a different of opinion.
Randy Dinjian
Article 1:   Accept Annual Reports
Article 2:   Unpaid Bill for Fiscal Year 2012   
Article 3:   Fiscal Year 2014 Operating Budget
Article 24:  New Playground Equipment for Florence Sawyer School – Randy Dinjian

Bob Czekanski
Article 5:   Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB)
Article 19:  Amendment to the Code of the Town of Bolton to add Chapter 151, Historic Preservation, Article I, Barn, Stable and Carriage House Preservation Bylaw
Article 20:  Purchase of New One-Ton Minimum 17,000 Gross Vehicle Weight Truck For the Department of Public Works
Article 21:  Houghton Building – External Repairs
Article 27:  Capital Improvements – School Safety Enhancements  
Article 28:  Emerson Well Improvements

Connie Benjamin
Article 6:   Compensation for Town Clerk Certification
Article 7:   Compensation for Town Treasurer Certification
Article 8:   Dissolution of the Board of Commissioners of Trust Funds
Article 9:   Dissolution of the Board of Trustees of the Francis E. Whitcomb Benevolent Fund
Article 26:  Capital Improvements – School Repairs

Brad Cote
Article 10:  Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project
Article 12:  Amendment to the Code of the Town of Bolton, Article VI, Definitions, Section 250-28, Terms Defined
Article 13:  Amendment to the Code of the Town of Bolton, Article III, Zoning District Regulations, Section 250-12, Schedule of Permitted Uses
Article 14:  Amendment to the Code of the Town of Bolton, Article III, Zoning District Regulations, Section 250-10, Types of Districts And Permitted Uses
Article 15:  Amendment to the Code of the Town of Bolton, Section 250-10, Types of Districts and Permitted Use
Article 16:  Amendment to the Code of the Town of Bolton, Section 250-12, Schedule of Permitted Use

Mike Zelenkov
Article 17:  Amendment to the Code of the Town of Bolton, Article V, Special Regulations, Section 250-25, Wireless Communications
Article 18:  Amendment to the Code of the Town of Bolton, Article VI, Wireless Communications, Section 250-25(B)
Article 22:  Replacement of Sampson Road and Main Street Culvert
Article 23:  Repair Sugar Road Culvert

Terry Abdalian
Article 4:   Reauthorization of a Revolving Fund for Web-based Municipal Software Services
Article 11:  Amendment to the Dog Bylaws
Article 25:  IMC Replacement Software – Ambulance Department and Dispatch Automation Software – Police Department

Mr. Cote and Ms. Benjamin will attend the Central Mass Mosquito Control Project (CMMCP) forum on April 23, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the Public Library while the remaining members of the Advisory Committee convene for an Advisory Committee meeting.   The Board of Health is scheduled to meet with the Advisory Committee on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the CMMCP.

The Advisory Committee reviewed the draft presentation and revisions discussed will be incorporated by Mr. Zelenkov.  The next draft will be forwarded to Ms. Day for distribution to the Advisory Committee members for review prior to the next meeting on April 23, 2013.

On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day