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Advisory Committee Minutes 02-19-13
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Randy Dinjian
February 19, 2013                                               Robert Czekanski
Connie Benjamin
Mike Zelenkov
Brad Cote
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Don Lowe, Town Administrator and David Lindsay, Chairman, Board of Selectmen

145 Treasurer:  The budget requested for FY14 is $144,246.  

Ms. Madden requested an additional $4,742 in the wages line item to increase the Assistant Tax Collector’s hours from 25 to 29 hours per week.  The additional hours would allow the assistant to help Ms. Madden with the workload. This amount is not included in the current budget and the Advisory Committee deferred their approval until they have had the opportunity to better understand the role and needs of the department.

The Tax Taking Expense line item (5344) was decreased from $1,100 to $500.
The Educational Assistance line item (5709) was budgeted at $800.  The Advisory Committee was willing to consider additional funds if there was a demand from town employees for reimbursement for educational assistance over and above the approved budget.

Possible Reserve Fund Transfer:  Ms. Madden informed the Advisory Committee that she may need a transfer from the reserve fund for the purchase of accounts payable checks that are no longer paid for by the bank.  
911 Worcester Regional Retirement Assessment: The budget requested for FY14 is $266,583 which is a decrease from FY13 and there were no revisions to the budget.

913 Unemployment Compensation: The budget requested for FY14 is $100 and there were no revisions to the budget.
914 Health Insurance:  This budget was reduced from $457,800 to $420,000.

915 Life Insurance: The budget was reduced from $1,500 to $1,350.


Present:  Mike Sauvageau, Building Inspector

The budget requested for FY14 is $27,278.  The Supplies line item (5400) was reduced from $750 to $450 and a new line item entitled training at $300 was added to the budget.
Mr. Sauvageau stated that the current budget of $2,080 for vehicle maintenance is at a breakeven point but understands that he can come back to the Advisory Committee if additional funds are needed.  

Mr. Cleary reviewed the FY14 capital projects with the Advisory Committee.
The capital projects for the Sawyer School were prioritized as follows:
  • Hot water boiler replacement (PVI) - $18,000.
  • Flooring replacement (Sawyer and Emerson School) - $120,000 split between FY14 and FY15.
  • Paint and repair of interior common space walls - $12,500.
  • AC for classroom space- $375,000.
The capital projects for the Emerson were prioritized.  
  • Replacement boiler - $75,000.
  • Installation of new classroom intercom system - $15,000.
  • Upgrade heating system in 52/22 - $30,000.
The Advisory Committee will continue to discuss, review options and determine what can be included within the budget.   
Mr. Cleary will provide the Committee with a list of maintenance done in-house within their budget.  

Mr. Cleary stated that approximately $4-5,000 is spent every year on the boiler for repairs and maintenance.  

Mr. Cleary informed the Advisory Committee that according to the State the generator at the Florence Sawyer School can’t be moved to Emerson School because of emissions.  Mr. Cleary is in communication with the Emergency Management Co-Director to determine the needs for running the kitchen in case of an emergency before a new generator is installed.  The generator must also power the fire alarm system and pump.  With all of this in place the School could be considered a Red Cross approved shelter.

The Committee has raised $120,000 privately and is requesting $30,000 from the town.  Mr. Cleary is comfortable with the proposed plan and is working with the Committee to be sure the fill materials brought in is appropriate for the site.  Mr. Dinjian supports the project and would like to find a way to budget for the $30,000 requested.  The Committee will go forward with certain phases of the project if the $30,000 is not approved by the town.

Several years ago the town voted to appropriate funds to replace the well at Emerson School.  During the construction of the project ledge was encountered and the project was not completed.  The well was taken out of commission and the well from Florence Sawyer School was used.  An additional $50,000 is needed to complete the project based on bids received.  The contract can’t be issued without funds being allocated and the engineering company has agreed to hold the price for one year.   Options for funding the project include placing an article on the warrant for a borrowing, an article to pay for with free cash from FY14 or using the Advisory Committee Reserve.  

The Advisory Committee reviewed the weekly analysis spreadsheet that shows the “net available” is $640,000 at this time.   Mr. Lindsay suggested that the Advisory Committee consider a higher new growth figure than the $160,000 recommended by the Assessors.

Traffic Lights (293):  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $4,700 to repair the traffic lights at the Route 117/110 intersection.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Cote – yes)  Wiring to this unit is over 35 years old and has deteriorated.  It is currently in failure causing traffic light malfunctions and frequent outages.

Legal (151):  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $513.39 for legal expenses.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Cote – yes)  This request is to pay the balance of the December invoices for Town and Labor Counsels.  Mr. Lowe will be requesting another transfer from the reserve fund to cover expenses for the remainder of FY13.

The Capital Planning Committee will be invited to attend the Advisory Committee meeting on February 26, 2013.  

On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to adjourn at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day