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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-08-13
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Randy Dinjian
January 8, 2013                                         Robert Czekanski
Mike Zelenkov
Naveen Rohatgi
Brad Cote

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

The budget review process is underway for FY14.   Mr. Dinjian reported that all Departments were asked to submit a level-funded budget for FY14 and if there were expenses that could not be level-funded, an explanation to justify the increase was requested.   The Departments were directed not to include any cost of living adjustments (COLA) or step increases and that these calculations will be done by Julie Costello, Town Accountant.

Ms. Costello has incorporated all budgets submitted into the budget worksheets that will be updated and distributed on a weekly basis.  

To stay consistence with union contracts, the Advisory Committee was supportive of a 2% cost of living adjustment for non-union employees and it will be included in the next budget worksheets.

Present:  Jeff Nichols, Susan Mason, Charlotte Johnson, Board of Assessors and Cynthia Bradbury, Assistant Assessor

The budget requested for FY14 is $125,761 and there were no revisions to the budget.

The Advisory Committee would like to meet again with the Board of Assessors at the end of the budget cycle to discuss the free cash philosophy.  

Present:  Don Lowe, Town Administrator
Town Moderator (114):  The budget requested for FY14 is $100 and there were no revisions to the budget.

Board of Selectmen (122):  The budget requested for FY14 is $18,697 and there were no revisions to the budget.  

The Compensation Study has been completed and will be presented to the Board of Selectmen at their next meeting. Mr. Lowe does not see the results of the study increasing the budget by much.  As a result of the study job descriptions were updated and provide a tool to conduct annual performance evaluations.

Town Administrator (123):  The budget requested for FY14 is $169,569 and there were no revisions to the budget.  
Legal (151):  The budget requested for FY14 is $35,000 and there were no revisions to the budget.   Although the budget for FY13 is running high, Mr. Lowe expects the spending to slow down and does not anticipate the need to increase the budget for FY14.  
Town Hall (192):  The budget requested for FY14 is $36,850 includes an increase in the capital outlay line item based actual spending in FY12.

Building Insurance (194):   The budget requested for FY14 is $33,479 and there were no revisions to the budget.

Town Reports (195):  This budget requested for FY14 is $3,700 and there were no revisions to the budget.  

Sewer (440):  The budget requested for FY14 is $6,900 and there were no revisions to the budget.

Workers Compensation (912):  The budget requested for FY14 is $35,410 which includes an additional $2,205 for an assessment for MEGA.

Other Insurances (914):  This budget requested for FY14 is $60,847 and there were no revisions to the budget.

On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Zelenkov, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $1,250 for the stipend for Don Lowe, Municipal Hearings Officer.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes, Cote – yes)  The Board of Selectmen appointed Mr. Lowe to the Municipal Hearing Officer at their meeting on November 1, 2012 and the stipend is required by Massachusetts General Laws.  

Present:  Pamela Powell, Town Clerk
Town Clerk (161):  The budget requested for FY14 is $101,385.  The supplies line item was increased by $2,500 for the purchase of a fireproof file cabinet.  Ms. Powell has asked the Board of Selectmen to appoint a Vault Committee to research and propose a solution for the storage of all Bolton’s historical records but in the meantime may need to purchase another fireproof file cabinet.  The Advisory Committee suggested that the $2,500 be removed from the budget and that Ms. Powell come back to the Advisory Committee for a transfer if the file cabinet is needed in FY14.
Elections (162):  The budget requested for FY14 is $6,331 and there were no revisions to the budget.

Street Listing/Registrars:  The budget requested for FY14 is $1,905 and there were no revisions to the budget.

Present:  Christopher Slade, Chairman, Board of Health

Board of Health (510):  The budget requested for FY14 is $43,405 and there were no revisions to the budget.

Nursing (522):  The budget requested for FY14 is $4,774 and there were no revisions to the budget.  Going forward Mr. Slade will work on improving communication with the residents of Bolton regarding the services available through the local Board of Health and the Nashoba Associated Boards of Health (i.e. Nursing)  

Mr. Dinjian reported that he was contacted by Meg O’Leary a member of the Florence Sawyer School Playground Committee.  The Committee has raised $120,000 privately for a new playground and would like to request that the Town contribute $30,000.  Mr. Dinjian recommended that the Committee meet with the Board of Selectmen to discuss their request.  Mr. Dinjian commended the Committee for their efforts in raising the funds and would like to consider their request for the Town to contribute $30,000.  

Mr. Dinjian disclosed that he has a child in kindergarten at Florence Sawyer School.

Mr. Dinjian and Mr. Czekanski met with the Capital Planning Committee to alleviate the Committee’s concerns after last year’s budget process when they felt that their recommendations regarding the capital projects were ignored and that their efforts were valued.    The process for the upcoming year was discussed.

On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Zelenkov, the Advisory Committee adjourned at 10:00 p.m.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes, Cote – yes)

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day