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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-03-12
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Robert Czekanski
January 3, 2012                                         Randy Dinjian
                                                                Connie Benjamin
Terry Abdalian
Mike Zelenkov
Naveen Rohatgi

The Advisory Committee met at the Public Library at 7:00 p.m.

Present:   Donald Lowe, Town Administrator and David Lindsay, Board of Selectmen

Present:  Harald Scheid, Principal Assessor, Susan Mason, Charlotte Johnson, Jeff Nichols, Board of Assessors and Cynthia Bradbury, Assistant Assessor

Review of the 2012 Tax Recap Sheet:  Mr. Scheid provided an explanation of the tax rate recapitulation document that was submitted to the Department of Revenue that showed a maximum allowable tax levy of $17,636,784 for FY12.   Revenue, Property Taxes, Other Local Receipts and State Aid are used to set the tax rate.  The actual tax levy is $17,413,842.01 which is a difference of $223,000 less the maximum allowable levy.  

Mr. Scheid stated that the wireless communications issue has been settled, costing the town $100,000, which has left a sizeable amount of money in the overlay account.  It is the responsibility of the Assessors to authorize the release of funds from the overlay account and work with the town boards on the allocation of the funds released.  

Board of Assessors Budget for FY13:  
Ms. Bradbury confirmed that the wages line item for FY13 did include a 1% cost of living adjustment (COLA) even though it did not show an increase from FY12.  This is because the budgeted amount for FY12 included extra money for additional hours worked during the revaluation.  The Advisory Committee recommended that the wages line item be adjusted to reflect 1% cola and actual hours worked by Ms. Bradbury.  The Purchase of Service line item represented an increase from FY12 to FY13 due to the Regional Resource Group asking to go back to their original salary after taking a voluntary decrease for FY12.  The GIS Map line item represents an increase to fund the update of the GIS Maps.  Julie Costello, Town Accountant reminded the Board of Assessors that the still have a balance in the GIS article from November of 1998 that could be used toward the update of the GIS Maps.

The following revisions were made the Board of Assessor’s budget:

Wages – Clerical        reduced from $48,974 to $47,884
GIS Map         reduced from $7,700 to $3,800

Present:  Julie Costello, Town Accountant

The increase in the salary line item represents a step increase and cost of living adjustment.
The audit line item represents an increase due to an increase in the software support and audit contractual obligations.   No revisions were made to the budget.

Present:  Pamela Powell, Town Clerk

Town Clerk:  The increase in the salary and wages line items includes a 1% cost of living adjustment for both Ms.  Powell and Ms. Miles and a step increase for Ms. Powell.   The $1,200 requested for web services covers the web-based electronic version for the re-organization of the bylaws along with yearly additions and upgrades.  No revisions were made to the budget.  

Elections:  The purchase of services line item represents an increase due to the additional election to be held in FY13.  Ms. Powell stated that she may need to request a transfer from the Advisory Committee reserve fund for the Presidential Primary in March.

Registrars:  Level funded and no revisions were made to the budget.

Mr. Lowe reviewed the following budgets with the Advisory Committee:   

Board of Selectmen:  The following revisions were made to the Board of Selectmen’s budget:  

Purchase of Services                    reduced from $7,000 to $5,000
Engineering Services                    reduced from $6,500 to $5,000
Membership Dues and Subscriptions       increased from $650 to $2,104

This increase in membership dues and subscriptions is to pay the membership dues for MAGIC which in previous years was budgeted by the Planning Board.  The Planning Board budget will be reduced by this amount.

Town Administrator:  Level funded except for step increase and cost of living adjustments.   No additional revisions were made.

Legal: Level funded and no additional revisions were made.

Town Hall:    Level funded and no additional revisions were made.

Electric                                reduced from $7,400 to $6,500

Building and Other Insurance: No revisions were made to the budget.  Ms. Day will confirm with Murphy Insurance that we do not have any unpaid invoices for FY12.  

Town Report:  Level funded and no additional revisions were made.

Mr. Czekanski reviewed the Advisory Committee’s weekly analysis with the Committee, which included the list of capital requests that were submitted.

On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Zelenkov, the Advisory Committee voted to adjourn at 9:20 p.m.  (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Abdalian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day