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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-17-12
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Robert Czekanski
January 17,  2012                                               Randy Dinjian
                                                                Connie Benjamin
Terry Abdalian
Mike Zelenkov
Naveen Rohatgi

The Advisory Committee met at the Public Library at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Burt Shnitzler, Ryan Prucnal, Energy Committee members

The requested budget for FY13 is $3,100.   The increase in the Purchase of Service line item is for anticipated costs associated with an RFP for the feasibility study for solar grids on Town property. While the Advisory Committee feels the solar project is a worthwhile concept they recommended that the budget remain level funded at $1,800 and that the Energy Committee meet with the Advisory Committee when they have a better understanding the project and needs.

Therefore, the following revisions were made to the Energy Committee’s budget:
Purchase of Service     reduced from $2,500 to $1,800
Supplies                reduced from $300 to $0
Meetings                reduced from $300 to $0

Present:  Tom Moses, Co-Director

The Emergency Management budget is level funded at $2,400.  This budget will be used toward the training of a Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) who will be deployed to help out during an emergency event.   Funds will also be used to equip each volunteer with an emergency kit provided by FEMA if not fully covered by a grant.  The DPW garage will also be outfitted with the necessary equipment to serve as second (backup) command center for an Emergency Operation Center.  Mr. Brown has also submitted a capital request for funds for a trailer and hookups so that the generator at the Houghton Building can be moved around as needed during an emergency event.   No revisions were made to the budget.

Present:  Bob Zak, Pam Czekanski and Leigh Shanny, Library Trustees and Kelly Collins, Library Director

The requested budget for FY13 is $375,809.  The salary and wages line items showed an increase as a result of step increases and cost of living adjustments.  The expenses line items were level funded with the exception of the Purchase of Service, Software Support, and Books line items.  

Mr. Zak informed the Advisory Committee that during the storm in October, 2011, 530 gallons of propane was delivered to the library, costing $1,452 which was not included in the budget.  Therefore, they will try to cover the costs but will likely need to request a transfer from the reserve fund to cover some or all of the expense.
Mr. Dinjian questioned the formula for the books and material budget, stating that the books and materials budget has increased to more than 17.25% when it should be 16%.

The Advisory Committee questioned whether the cost of living adjustment is calculated before or after the step increase is calculated for FY13.   The Advisory Committee will confirm the process with Town Accountant Julie Costello and be sure the calculations are being done the same way by all departments.  No revisions were made to the budget.

Ms. Collins confirmed that every item that comes through the door has a life expectancy and the books are disposed of when they reach the life span.   The question was raised about the process for the disposal of the books which is considered town property.  Mr. Lowe will review to determine the appropriate process.

Transfer Request:   On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $400 for longevity.  This expenditure is necessary as a result of new language in the DPW union contract which provides longevity to employees at 6 years.    (Czekanski –yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov– yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Advisory Analysis:   The Advisory Committee reviewed the weekly analysis spreadsheet prepared by Mr. Czekanski.

Assessor’s Meeting:  Mr. Czekanski and Mr. Lowe are scheduled to meet with the Harald Scheid, Principal Assessor to discuss the overlay account and will report back to the Committee on the 24th.

School Committee Meeting:  The School Committee is scheduled to meet on Thursday, January 19 to vote on the Athletic Complex.   

Turnout Gear:   Mr. Lindsay expressed his concern that the approval of a transfer request for turnout gear was only for the Fire Department’s union members and did not include the non union members. It was Mr. Lindsay’s opinion that everyone be treated equally and encouraged the Advisory Committee to approve a transfer request to cover the costs for turnout gear for the non union members as well.   

Meeting Venue:  Mr. Lindsay expressed his disappointment that the Advisory Committee met at the Florence Sawyer School which meant a delayed broadcast of the meeting when the town hall meeting room, which has live recording capabilities, sat empty tonight.  

Mr. Czekanski explained that the town hall meeting room only became available today as a result of another meeting cancellation and that in the spirit of the open meeting law did not feel it was appropriate to change the venue to another building at the last minute.
On a motion made by Abdalian and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to adjourn at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day