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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-31-12
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Robert Czekanski
January 31, 2012                                                Randy Dinjian
                                                                Terry Abdalian
Naveen Rohatgi
Mike Zelenkov

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Don Lowe, Town Administrator; Curt Plante, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen

Present:  Peter Ross and Mary Ciummo, Public Ways Safety Committee members

The brush and live vegetation language was deleted from the latest version of the Line of Sight Bylaw and was included in the rules and regulations.  Upon review of this version, the consensus was that all reference to the brush and vegetation should also be removed from the rules and regulations.  Other concerns related to the bylaw included who the designated point person would be for addressing any issues and if the town would be liable for any known issues that were not addressed.   

Present:  Harold Brown, DPW Director and Shelly O’Toole, Administrative Assistant and Peter Ross and Mary Ciummo, Public Ways Safety Committee members

Transfer Request:   On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Zelenkov, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $4,700 for the replacement of the traffic light unit at the intersection of Route 110/117 and to pay the electric bills for the remainder of the fiscal year. (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  

FY13 Budget Review:   Mr. Brown and Ms. O’Toole reviewed the following budgets with the Advisory Committee.  

Buildings (Account 190):    The requested budget was $121,841 and was reduced to $114,841.
Traffic Lights (Account 293):  This budget was level funded at $2,700.

Tree Warden (Account 294):  A 1% cost of living adjustment was applied to the wages and other line items were level funded, totaling $47,283.

Highway (Account 421):  The increase in the salary and wages lines items represents step increases and the 1% cost of living adjustment.   The expenses portion of the budget was level funded at $123,400.

The following revisions were made to the budget:  
Gasoline (line item 5480)               increased from $10,000 to $13,000
Parts/Supplies  (line item 5487)        reduced from $12,000 to $9,000          

Construction and Maintenance:   The requested budget was $167,200.  The FY12 local improvements line item included $6,700 allocated to the Public Ways Safety Committee for line painting and signs.   These funds were used for higher priorities as a result of the snowstorms.

The Public Ways Safety Committee requested a level funded budget of $6,700 for FY13 and the Advisory Committee agreed to increase the budget to $7,000.  The Advisory Committee was also in favor of replenishing the Public Ways Safety Committee budget for FY12 if the funds were available in the Advisory Committee’s Reserve Fund account at the end of FY12.

The Committee also suggested that the Public Ways Safety Committee have a designated line item within the 422 budget instead of their funds being included in the local improvement line item of the budget.

Snow & Sand:   This budget was level funded at $180,000.

Street Lights (Account 424):   This budget was level funded at $6,500.   The Energy Committee will be asked to take an inventory of the street lights and work with the Public Ways Safety Committee to determine if the existing street lights are sufficient.  

Transfer station (Account 433):  The increase in the wages line items represents step increases and cost of living adjustments.   The expenses portion of the budget was level funded at $99,000.   Ms. O’Toole stated that the transfer station sticker revenue covers the expenses and services costs but not the labor.  

Landfill (Account 439):  This budget is for the well monitoring at the landfill and is level funded at $7,440.  

Sewer (Account 440):   This budget was level funded at $6,900.  

Cemetery:   The requested budget was level funded at $5,000.   This budget allows for the gravesides to be maintained but does not include the maintenance of the new cemetery and clean-up of downed trees at the South Cemetery as result of the storms.    An article was submitted for $2,500 for the purchase of software for cemetery plot tracking.  The Advisory Committee agreed to increase the Purchase of Service line item from $2,000 to $4,500 for the proposed software and the Grounds Maintenance line item from $3,000 to $5,000 to cover costs for additional maintenance of cemeteries.  The article for the software was withdrawn.
Celebration/Memorial Day:  This budget was level funded at $1,500.  

Generators:  A capital request was submitted for the purchase of a trailer to transport the generator (currently located at the Houghton Building) between the Town Hall and DPW garage as needed and electrical electrical hook ups for the generator at both the Town Hall and the DPW garage.   After further discussion, the consensus was that each building should have a dedicated generator.   The recommendation was that the generator from the Houghton building be moved to the DPW garage and Mr. Brown obtain quotes for the purchase of two smaller generators and electrical hookups for the Houghton Building and Town Hall.
One ton truck:  This truck would replace a 7 year old vehicle.   Mr. Brown noted that the cost of the truck was increased from $60,000 to $65,000;

Town Hall/Window Replacement/Insulation:   $50,000 was requested for the replacement of the windows at Town Hall.  The Energy Committee will be asked to determine the savings for this project.  Any changes to the windows would require the approval of the Historical Commission.

Houghton Building painting:   $30,000 was requested to paint the Houghton Building to help prevent further deterioration of the building.

Library – Seal Wood Shakes:  $10,000 was requested to seal the shakes at the Library to preserve and protect the exterior of the building.   The Committee discussed adding this expense to the budget.  

Culverts – Mr. Brown recommended that the capital request for the Spectacle Hill Road Culvert be withdrawn.  Mr. Brown proposed that the culverts be replaced on Meadow Road ($255,000), Sampson Road ($200,000), and Sugar Road ($100,000).
The FY14 capital requests included the replacement of two of the three furnaces at the Fire Station, painting of the Old Fire Station, and the purchase of a tractor/backhoe.  
The FY15 capital requests included the purchase of a F550 Truck, replacement of third furnace at the Fire Station, and a one ton truck.  
The FY16 capital requests included the purchase of a one ton truck, replacement of the columns at the town hall and Emerson School 1922 section.
The FY17 capital requests included the purchase of a 6-wheel snow plow sander, a new public works facility followed by the horse ring and derby field being made into usable fields and the repair or demolition of Person’s Park building.   

Ms. Abdalian reported that she attended the site walk on Saturday, January 28, 2012 of the NRSD field and track.  She stated it was a very informative meeting and encouraged others to attend the future site visits or forums scheduled related to this project.

Mr. Czekanski reported that the Board of Assessors voted to release $247,402 from the overlay reserve account back to the Town.  
Advisory Committee Analysis:  The Advisory Committee reviewed the weekly analysis spreadsheet prepared by Mr. Czekanski.  Based on Mr. Czekanski’s analysis and the release of funds from the overlay reserve account by the Assessors, the available fund surplus is estimated at $547,184.

Presentation: Mr. Czekanski gave a presentation that he prepared regarding Bolton’s taxes.  The conclusion is that compared to other towns with Bolton’s valuation of + or - 10% of Bolton’s valuation: (1) Bolton’s total expenditure is average among such towns; (2) Bolton’s reliance on residential property taxes is extreme compared to other towns in Massachusetts, (3) Commercial and industrial values fell faster than residential properties, which puts additional upward pressure on residential taxes, (4) high per-capita Equalized Valuation makes more state aid unlikely and (5) there is the need to diversify the tax base by simplifying the process for development of commercial and industrial properties.  

On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Zelenkov, the Advisory Committee voted to adjourn at 11:00 p.m. (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  
Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day