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Advisory Committee Minutes 02-07-12
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Robert Czekanski
February 7, 2012                                                Randy Dinjian
                                                                Terry Abdalian
                                                                Connie Benjamin
Naveen Rohatgi
Mike Zelenkov

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Sheila Chmielowski, Council on Aging Director

The requested budget for FY13 is $45,133.  The increase in the salary line item represents a step increase and 1% cost of living adjustment.  The Outreach Worker’s wages (6 hours per week at $14 per hour) is funded by a State Grant in the amount of $1,500 and the town budget in the amount of $2,700.

The Cable line item was increased by $96 due to an increase in the monthly bill.

Ms. Chmielowski stated that the attendance at the holiday luncheon has not been as well attended as it has been in the past.  She attributes this to the fact that the seniors have to contribute to the cost of the luncheon.  Also, not all seniors are aware of the luncheon, because the newsletter announcing the luncheon is no longer mailed to all seniors.    The number of outings has also been limited because of the funds not being available.   The Miscellaneous line item was increased from $350 to $1,100 to address these issues.   

For the FY14 budget cycle, the Advisory Committee would like to be provided with information showing how Bolton compares to other Towns as far as services for the seniors and what Ms. Chmielowski feels is necessary in terms of a budget to fill the needs of the seniors in town.  

Present:  Susan Latham, Animal Control Officer

The requested budget for FY13 is $18,918.  The increase in the wages line items represents a step increase for the Animal Control Officer and a 1% cost of living adjustment for both the Animal Control Officer and Assistant Animal Control Officer.

The Purchase of Services line item is running at a higher spend level because of the need to find an alternative kennel while the Stow Kennel is out of service.

Present:  Kevin O’Brien

The Housing Authority budget was level funded at $200 to be used for advertising for the sale of affordable housing or training as needed.

Present:  Chris Slade, Chairman of the Board of Health

Board of Health (510): The requested budget for FY13 is $42,243.  The increase in the wages line item represents a step increase and a 1% cost of living adjustment for the Board of Health’s Administrative Assistant, and a 1% cost of living adjustment for the Animal Inspector.  The Purchase of Services shows an increase of $3,805 for the environmental services provided by Nashoba Associated Board of Health.  The Travel line item show an increase which better represents the actual travel expenses for the Animal Inspector while doing barn inspections and rabies testing.

Nursing (522):  The requested budget for FY13 is $4,774 which represents a decrease of $2,226 from FY12.  This decrease in the budget is a result of the way in which each Town’s contribution is calculated.

Present:  Linda Englemann, member of the Historical Commission

The requested budget for FY13 is $6,450.  The Historical Commission has submitted an article for $3,000 to continue the shade tree replacement program.  The tree replacement article approved at the May 2006 town meeting shows a balance of $262.34 and the Advisory Committee considered reducing the article by this amount.   

Present:  Jenny Atwood Burney Town Planner

The requested budget for FY13 is $650.  

The requested budget for FY13 is $60,150.  The increase in the wages line item represents a step increase and a 1% cost of living adjustment for the Town Planner.  The remaining budget was level funded except for the Dues line item which was reduced by $1,367 for the MAGIC membership dues.  These membership dues are now included in the Board of Selectmen’s budget.

Advisory Committee Analysis:  The Advisory Committee reviewed the weekly analysis spreadsheet prepared by Mr. Czekanski that showed an available fund surplus of $543,056.
Capital Planning Committee:  Mr. Czekanski attended the Capital Planning Committee and they are in the process of voting on their prioritized list of capital requests.

Forum on Athletic Complex:  Mr. Dinjian and Ms. Abdalian attended a meeting regarding the athletic complex and Superintendent Wood provided feedback on the site visit and forums held regarding the project.  One common concern is the cost of the project.  As a compromise the project has been scaled down and is now estimated at $2.2 million.

Presentation:  The Advisory Committee agreed that some of the data provided in Mr. Czekanski’s presentation could be used when preparing the Advisory Committee’s presentation for the Annual Town meeting on May 7, 2012.  Mr. Czekanski will share his presentation with the Economic Development Committee noting that it has not been endorsed by the Advisory Committee.  Mr. Dinjian suggested the presentation be put on the website.
Minutes:  On a motion made by Abdalian and seconded by Zelenkov, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the minutes of January 10, 2012.  (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Abdalian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  

On a motion made by Abdalian and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the minutes of January 17, 2012.  (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Abdalian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  

On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day