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Advisory Committee Minutes 02-16-12
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Robert Czekanski
February 16, 2012                                               Randy Dinjian
                                                                Connie Benjamin
Terry Abdalian
Mike Zelenkov
Naveen Rohatgi

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  David Lindsay, member of the Board of Selectmen

Chief Mentzer met with the Advisory Committee to discuss the waterholes and turnout gear for the Fire Department.

Waterholes:  The Committee reviewed a list of the waterholes, their condition and a maintenance plan.  The estimated cost to do maintenance on each waterhole is $7,305.  
Chief Mentzer ranked the waterhole maintenance very high.   Most waterholes are on private property and temporary easements will be required from the property owner.
On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Zelenkov, the Advisory Committee voted to increase the Waterhole line item from $0 to $15,000. (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – no, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  

Chief Mentzer will return to the Advisory Committee if he needs more than the $15,000 to maintain at least two of the waterholes.

Uniforms:  According to the Firefighter’s Union contract, firefighters are eligible to receive uniforms effective FY13.  

Chief Mentzer confirmed that there is no one paying the agency fee that is not in the union and there is no one eligible to join who chose not to.
On a motion made by Abdalian and seconded by Dinjian, the Advisory Committee voted to add $2,640 to the Uniforms line item for the purchase of uniforms for firefighters.  (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  

Turnout Gear:   Chief Mentzer stated there are many firefighters that need their equipment replaced and it is a safety issue.  The transfer request previously approved was for the purchase of four sets of turnout gear.  The remaining funds in the FY12 budget and the requested $30,000 for FY13 will provide for all the firefighters to have safe gear.

Present:  Margy Diaz, Ambulance Director

Uniforms:   On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted to increase the uniforms line item from $250 to $9,250 for an estimated 30 jackets for the EMT’s.  (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  With Ms. Diaz’s approval, the Advisory Committee increased the FY13 contribution of ambulance receipts to the budget from $100,000 to $116,000.  

The new jackets will be distributed based on the call volume of each EMT.  Some of the older jackets will be passed on to those not receiving a new jacket.  
Ambulance Receipts Account:  There is an estimated $169,000 in the ambulance receipts account.  A new ambulance costs between $150,000 and $180,000.   The Department will start to spec out a new ambulance in 2013.  

Ambulance Director:  On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to increase the stipend for the Ambulance Director from $4,000 to $5,000, effective for FY13.  (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  This will bring the stipend of the Ambulance Director in line with that of the Fire Chief, and can be revisited if necessary after the comprehensive salary study authorized by the Board of Selectmen has been completed.  

Wages – EMT Call/Training:  Ms. Diaz stated that to date the wages for the EMT Call/Training will be over budget because of the increase in call volume.  On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted to increase the Wages – EMT Call/Training line item from $48,808 to $56,000.    (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  

Present:  Chief Alfano, Lt. Nelson and Lorraine Kenney, Administrative Assistant
Police:  Chief Alfano met with the Advisory Committee to continue discussions regarding the salary and wages portion of the Police Department budget and review the Public Safety Building and Dispatch budgets.  

Chief Alfano clarified that that if the injured on duty officer does not return and the position is filled with an entry level officer, the wages and overtime line items could be decreased.
Chief Alfano provided the Advisory Committee with a spreadsheet detailing the wages and overtime line item.  The wages line item was increased from $676,657 to $678,740 to include educational incentive for a new officer.  It was also noted that the salary line item for Chief Alfano on the budget spreadsheet is showing a decrease for FY13.   Ms. Kenney will have a follow up discussion with Ms. Costello to confirm the correct budget for the Police Department.
Cruiser Purchase:  The cruiser expense will be placed in the Police Department budget and the means for which it will be paid for will be discussed at a later date.  

The requested budget for the Public Safety Building is $158,202.  The Purchase of Services line item was increased from $47,355 to $48,955 for website licensing.  

Chief Alfano requested a new line item entitled Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in the amount of $1,500 to cover expenses (primarily meals for staff) while the EOC is in operation.  Mr. Czekanski will have a follow up discussion with Town Administrator Don Lowe regarding this line item.  

Chief Alfano recommended that the Parks/Recreation Department use a cell phone system instead of the emergency phone at the town beach for the lifeguards.  Chief Alfano will work with Parks/Recreation on the installation of a phone that will be available in case of an emergency during closed hours.  
The requested budget for wages for FY13 is $231,589 which includes step increases and a 1% cost of living adjustment.  The expenses line items were level funded at $7,750.

Discussion took place regarding the cruiser purchase, if a policy should be implemented to determine how often a cruiser should be purchased and how the cruiser will be paid for.  (i.e. within the budget, borrowing inside 2-1/2)   

The Advisory Committee reviewed the weekly analysis spreadsheet prepared by Mr. Czekanski that showed an available fund surplus of $541,858.  

Mr. Czekanski reported that at the School Committee meeting last week, Bolton’s assessment was decreased from $347,843 to $305,506 which is a 2.71% increase and will be included in next week’s analysis.  

The options for spending the surplus money includes using on capital projects, giving back to departments or using to help the taxes from rising.  This is a discussion for a later date with the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Assessors.  

On a motion made by Benjamin and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee adjourned at 9:50 p.m.  (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day