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Advisory Committee Minutes 03-07-12
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Robert Czekanski
March 7, 2012                                                   Randy Dinjian
Terry Abdalian
Mike Zelenkov

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:   David Lindsay, Curt Plante and Stan Wysocki, Board of Selectmen

Present:  Doug Storey, Planning Board Chairman, James Owen, Planning Board member and Jenny Atwood-Burney, Town Planner

Mr. Storey provided a summary of the articles on the Annual Town Meeting warrant for May 7, 2012 that is being sponsored by the Planning Board.  There is a public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, March 14, 2012 regarding these amendments to the Zoning Bylaws.  

Article 14:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section Design Review Criteria which changes the name of the Design Advisory Team (DAT) to Design Review Board (DRB).  

Article 15:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws to add a new section 2.5.10 Village Overlay District which would designate an area in town (area of I-495) that could handle additional development and create more flexible guidelines as to how business could be developed within this area.  

Article 16:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section 2.3.3 Mixed Uses which would allow both commercial and residential mixes under the village overlay district only.

Article 17:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section Dimensional Schedule which would reduce the setbacks to allow parking to be located to the rear or side of the structure(s).  

Article 18:  Amendment of the Zoning Bylaws, Section One Building Per Lot which would allow for more than one building per lot which would result in smaller structures that are more consistent with the character of the Town.

Article 19:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section Building Heights which would allow for a height of no more than 35’ to allow for on top of shop housing.  

Article 20:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section Parking which would allow for the Planning Board to lower the required area of parking.

Article 21:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section Applicability which would require one affordable unit for each 8 lots or more in mixed use developments.

Article 22:  Amendments to the Zoning Bylaws, Section 2.6 Definitions – This amendment adds definitions for Fast Food, Mixed Use, Restaurant and Live/Work Space to the bylaw.

Article 23:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section 2.3.4 Use Table – This amendment is to update the use table with the provision for commercial solar photovoltaic energy renewable installations.

Article 24: Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section 2.6, Definitions, Base Map – This amendment updates the Town base map and zoning map to include the village overlay district.

Article 25:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, to add Section 2.5.8 Commercial Solar Photovoltaic Renewal Energy Installations to regulate solar photovoltaic renewal energy installations.   

Present:   Erik Neyland, Michael Gorr, Michael Guerin and Brad Cote, Capital Planning Committee members

The Advisory Committee reviewed the summary provided by the Capital Planning Committee related to the capital expenses submitted and discussed as follows:

Nashoba School District
Present:  George King, Assistant Superintendent and Bill Cleary, Director of Facilities, NRSD Capital expenditures requested for 2013 included: Upgrading the athletic field at NRHS - $800,000, and flooring replacement - $75,000 over 4 years, air conditioning - $307,500 and a generator - $37,500 for Florence Sawyer School.  

The original proposal was to buy a generator for the Emerson School for use as an emergency shelter.  After further discussion, it was decided by the Advisory Committee that it would be best to use Florence Sawyer School as an emergency shelter.  Mr. Cleary is researching the idea of a larger generator for Florence Sawyer School and moving the existing generator from Florence Sawyer School over to the Emerson School.  They have $35,000 allocated for a generator.    They are currently conducting a load testing at Florence Sawyer School to determine what it would take to run the building during an emergency event.  It was Mr. Cleary’s opinion that the heating system and hot water would need to be addressed and recommended the purchase of a smaller kitchen stove.  The Advisory Committee suggested that Mr. Cleary contact the Emergency Management Co-Directors to discuss the proposed plans.

An article has been submitted for the upgrade to the NRHS athletic field.  The Capital Planning Committee has not rendered an official opinion on the proposed capital expense for the NRHS athletic field at this time.

Other capital expenditures submitted to the Capital Planning Committee included:

Door hardware replacement at Florence Sawyer School $22,500 (2014)
Driveway repairs at Florence Sawyer School $20,000 (2014)
1952 Classroom renovations for Emerson School $250,000 over three years (2014 – 2016)
Replacement of wooden playground at Florence Sawyer School - $150,000 (2015)
Carpet replacement at Emerson School $31,500 over two years (2015 -2016)
Upgrade of heating system in the 1922 section; cost to be determined

Department of Public Works
Harold Brown, Director of Public Works and Shelly O’Toole, Administrative Assistant met with the Advisory Committee to discuss the capital expenditures.  

Capital expenditures requested for 2013 included: One ton truck - $64,605, Generator trailer - $40,000,  Town hall window replacement - $50,000, Paint Houghton building - $30,000, Seal wood shakes at Library - $30,000, Culvert – Spectacle Hill - $100,000, Culvert – Sugar Road - $100,000, Culverts – Meadow and Long Hill Roads - $255,080, Culvert – Sampson - $200,500.
Mr. Brown confirmed that the window replacements and painting at town hall expenditures were removed for 2013 along with the sealing of the wood shakes at the Library.

Mr. Brown proposed repairing the culvert on Sugar Road in 2013 and delaying the repairs of the culverts for Sampson Road, Spectacle Hill Road, and Meadow Road/Long Hill Road.  The Advisory Committee informed Mr. Brown that based on the financial situation it may be possible to do more than one culvert in 2013.  

It was Mr. Plante’s opinion that the culvert projects should go out to bid instead of being done in-house.  It was agreed that ultimately it is the decision of the Town Administrator and Board of Selectmen to work out the logistics with Mr. Brown.  

Mr. Brown proposed purchasing a 20KW generator for the Highway barn, a 13KW generator for the Town Hall to run the boiler, septic and well pumps and leaving the 13KW generator at the Houghton Building.

Other capital expenditures submitted to the Capital Planning Committee included:

Furnace for Fire Station (2 units) $18,000 (2014); Paint old Fire Station $20,000 (2014); Tractor/Backhoe $90,000 (2014); F550 Truck $70,000 (2015); Furnace for Fire Station (1 unit) $9,000 (2015); One ton truck $60,000 (2015); One ton truck $65,000 (2016); Replace columns on Town Hall $20,000 (2016); Replace columns on Emerson School $60,000 (2016); 6 wheel snow plow/sander $170,000 (2017); New public works facility $3,000,000 (2017); Horse ring athletic field $175,000; Derby Field expansion/upgrade $80,000; Persons Park repair/demolition (TBD)

Fire Department
Replacement of breathing apparatus $148,000 (2013); Replacement of turnout gear $30,450 (2013); Replace fire truck $625,000 (2014); Replace rescue equipment $25,000 (2015); Replacement of portable radios $35,000 (2016); Replacement of fire truck $225,000 (2017)

Conservation Commission
Lower Fyfeshire Dam $250,000 (2013)

The Advisory Committee will make their final decision about the capital requests to be included in the Annual Town Meeting warrant for FY2013 at their meeting next week.
The Town has been informed that there is a student who is currently a sophomore at Nashoba Regional High School and has decided to pursue his passion of carpentry.  Unfortunately, Minuteman does not have a two year program and therefore the student will be submitting admission paperwork to attend Assabet Valley Technical High School.  The out of district tuition for FY13 will be $15,833.  

On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Zelenkov, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $875.00 to Veterans Account 543-5770 for benefit payments to a Bolton veteran. (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes)

The Advisory Committee added $2,500 to the Town Accountant’s budget to hire an actuary in FY2013 to comply with GASB 45 Other Post Employment Benefits.  

The Advisory Committee reviewed the weekly analysis spreadsheet prepared by Mr. Czekanski.
On a motion made by Abdalian and seconded by Zelenkov, the Advisory Committee voted to adjourn at 10:30 p.m. (Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes)

The Advisory Committee statement drafted by Mr. Czekanski will be reviewed by the Committee at their next meeting.  

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day