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Advisory Committee Minutes 07-06-11
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Randy Dinjian
July 6, 2011                                                    Connie Benjamin
Terry Abdalian
Naveen Rohatgi

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Mr. Czekanski and Mr. Zelenkov attended this meeting but did not participate because their appointment to the Advisory Committee was not official at the time of the meeting.  

On a motion made by Abdalian and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the following end of year transfer requests for FY11.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  These end of year transfer requests were approved by the Board of Selectmen at their meeting on June 30, 2011.

(231) Ambulance  - $2,000 transferred from line item 5858 Equipment to line item 5112 Wages/EMT call training
(231) Ambulance  - $1,000 transferred from line item 5201 ALS Services to line item 5112 Wages/EMT call training
(630)  Recreation - $350 transferred from line item 5200 Purchase of Service to line item 5113 Wages
(433)  Transfer Station  – $3,000 transferred from line item 5281 trash hauling to line item 5140 Wages

On a motion made by Abdalian and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the following transfers from the Advisory Committee Reserve Fund for FY11.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  

(220) Fire Department - $609.30 to be transferred to line item 5112 Wages for firefighter wages for call response and training due to unanticipated call volume.

(440) Wastewater Treatment Plant - $1088.84 to be transferred to line item 5200 Purchase of Service for unforeseen repairs (pump failure)
(423) Snow and Ice - $5,000 to be transferred to Snow and Ice (423)

On a motion made by Abdalian and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the following transfers totaling $133,589.66 to snow and ice account from various town departments (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  

5,000 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Selectmen Expenses 122
3,986.66 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Town Administrator Expenses 123
2,000 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Educational Incentive 145
5,000 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Board of Assessor Expenses 141
1,500 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Legal 151
2,600 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Election Wages 162
5,000 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Planning Board Wages 175
3,000 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Town Reports 195
750 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Traffic Lights 293
48,305 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Minuteman Tech 312
10,000 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Highway Wages 421
5,498 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Transfer Station Expenses 433
3,200 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Water 450
5,000 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Board of Health Wages 510
10,000 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Library Wages 610
4,000 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Interest 751
10,750 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Health Insurance 914
3,000 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Medicare Tax 916
5,000 transferred to Snow & Ice 423 from Insurance 945

The Advisory Committee would like to have a more frequent and formal dialogue with the Town Accountant Julie Costello during the budget process. They would like Ms. Costello to attend the Advisory Committee meeting at the end of the fiscal year to provide an update including a list of all the money that went back to free cash.

The Advisory Committee discussed at length and will continue to discuss ideas about the budget process and how they can take a more proactive approach in determining what the townspeople’s want.   Mr. Dinjian suggested the Committee should think about using free cash more carefully.  He also suggested that more thought be given to the use of reserve fund, stabilization fund, and overrides.

The next Advisory Committee meeting will be Tuesday, September 20, 2011.

On a motion made by Abdalian and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to adjourn at 9:00 p.m.  (Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day