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Advisory Committee Minutes 03-15-11
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Randy Dinjian
March 15, 2011                                          Bob Czekanski
Connie Benjamin
                                                                Naveen Rohatgi
                                                                Mike Zelenkov
                                                         Linda Day, Town Secretary
                                                 Donald Lowe, Town Administrator                

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:   David Lindsay and Curt Plante, Board of Selectmen

Present:  Wayne Day, Brad Cote, and Erik Neyland, members of the Capital Planning Committee

The Capital Planning Committee reviewed the capital expenditures submitted and made the following recommendations:

DPW Truck:  Based on comment from DPW Director Harold Brown’s that the boilers for the town hall were more critical than the purchase of the truck the Capital Planning Committee recommended that the truck purchase be deferred for one year.   Mr. Dinjian’s opinion was that the voters should be allowed to make the decision regarding the purchase of a truck.  The purchase of a truck costing $75,000 for a three year borrowing would cost approximately $14 per household

Boilers:   Although the boiler at the Town Hall is not a capital expenditure because the cost is less than $25,000, the Capital Planning Committee did recommend it be replaced.  The Advisory Committee confirmed the boilers could be funded out of the budget.

Pagers for the Ambulance and Fire Departments:  The Capital Planning Committee recommended the purchase of new pagers in the amount of $36,346.  There are no grant opportunities available at this time to fund the pagers.   According to Ms. Diaz, Ambulance Director, $19,400 can be taken from the Ambulance Receipts Reserved for Appropriations account and the balance of this account would still be on track for the purchase of a new ambulance.

Painting of Section 22 of Emerson School:  The painting of Section 22 of Emerson School was not presented to the Capital Planning Committee therefore they did not make a determination.   The painting of Section 22 of Emerson School was not included in the budget.  A lengthy discussion took place regarding the lease between the Town of Bolton and the District related to capital expenses and maintenance expenses, and who was responsible for each expense.    The Advisory Committee tabled further discussion regarding this matter until the Board of Selectmen has had to opportunity to address this issue.

The Advisory Committee discussed each of the articles on the Annual Town Meeting warrant and made the following recommendations:

Article 1:   Unpaid Bills For Fiscal Year 2010:  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Zelenkov, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 2:   Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Transfer:  Chief Alfano has put a spending freeze on various areas of the Police Department budget to curtail the overspending.  The $18,000 being requested represents $2,000 received per month from the disability insurance for the officer out on disability.   It will offset the additional wages and overtime incurred to fill in for the injured officer.  

Mr. Plante expressed his concern that the police department budget is out of control and recommended that a Committee be appointed to review the Police Department budget to get a better oversight of the budget.  
Mr. Dinjian recommended that the Board of Selectmen consider hiring another police officer which will help to curtail the budget in the long run.

On a motion made by Benjamin and seconded by Zelenkov, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  The Committee also revised the first sentence of the summary to read as follows:   “During FY2011, there continues to be one officer on disability”.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – no, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – abstained, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 3:   Accept Annual Reports -   On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.    (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 4:  Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget:  Vote deferred to next meeting.

Article 5:  Transfer of Tax Title Land to Conservation Commission (6.65 acres):  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.          (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 6:  Transfer of Tax Title Land to Conservation Commission (9 acres):  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.     (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 7:   Purchase Conservation Restriction on Weatherbee Land:  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to disapprove this article.    (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov – abstained, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 8 and Article 9 related to the Fyfeshire Dam – There has been a lot of discussion on the repair or removal of Fyfeshire Dam and the way in which we can pay for the cost to do either one.  The cost of the repair can be bonded over a number of years because it is a capital expense but it is unclear if the removal can be done in the same manner.  There is new legislation which would provide a funding mechanism for municipalities who are faced with this situation.  If accepted it would allow for a community to borrow for the “repair” of a dam but there is no mention of funding for “removal” of a dam.  Senator Flanagan and Representative Hogan be asked to assist with amendments to the legislation to allow municipalities to be able to borrow for the removal of the dam.  Given all this information it is the intention to put this project off for another year.  

Mr. Lowe and Ms. Gumbart, Conservation Commissioner Administrator spoke with Ed Hughes, the Inspector at the Office of Dam Safety who had already provided us with an extension through December 30, 2011 and willing to give the Town another extension until June 30, 2012 to allow time to see how the legislation progresses.  This extension was granted contingent on the Town committing to do quarterly inspections of the dam which the Conservation Commission has budgeted for.   The recommendation will be made to the Conservation Commission to pull the article provided the Town receives a written confirmation from the Office of Dam Safety confirming the extension.

Article 10:   Reauthorization of a Revolving Fund for Web-based Municipal - On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.       (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 11:  Available Funds Transfer – On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  The Committee also revised the first sentence of the summary to read as follows:  “The transfer of these funds to the Advisory Reserve fund will insure that there will be a sufficient balance in the Reserve Fund to accommodate any year-end transfer requests for FY11”.     (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 12:  Funding of Oil Tank Cleanup:  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.        (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 13:  Purchase of Pagers for the Fire Department – Vote deferred to next meeting.  

Article 14:  Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project -  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to disapprove this article as written.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 15:  Granting of Liquor License to Nashoba Valley Winery - On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 16:  Granting of Liquor License to the International Golf Club – On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 17:  Adoption of Stretch Energy Code:  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted to disapprove this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 18:  Amendment of the Zoning Bylaws to add Section 2.4.3. Line of Sight At Intersections:  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 19:  Amendment of the Zoning Bylaws to Add Subsection  Design Review Guidelines:  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes) 

Article 20:  Amendment of the Zoning Bylaws to Add Section 2.2.4 Design Review Criteria:        
On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 21:  Amendment of the Zoning Bylaws, Section (h) Special Permits for Zoning Use - On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes) 

Article 22:  Amendment of the Zoning Bylaws, Section Plan Approval Process -    On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)   

Article 23:  Amendment of the Zoning Bylaws, Section Sign Regulations -  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – no, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 24:  Amendment of the Zoning Bylaws, Section 2.5.3 Flood Plain District - On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 25:  Adoption of Maps Issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency:  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 26:  Purchase of a Used 6-Wheel Dump Body Sanding Truck for Department of Public Works - On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Rohatgi, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – no, Abdalian – no, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Article 27:  Citizens’ Petition – Senior Citizens Tax Exemption:  On a motion made by Rohatgi and seconded by Czekanski, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Zelenkov –yes, Rohatgi – yes)

Mr. Dinjian shared a FY12 Budget Summary Spreadsheet with the Advisory Committee that showed a Version A (baseline level funded) budget with a surplus of $184,347 and a Version B (3% department reduction) budget with a surplus of $73,507.   Mr. Dinjian recommended potential additions to the Version B budget that included $30,000 for restoring police hours, $25,000 for the town hall boilers and $15,000 to fund the increased building insurance premiums as a result of the new buildings.   
Throughout the FY12 budget process, the Advisory Committee has been concerned with the Nashoba Regional School District (NRSD) assessment.  Early on in the budget process it was communicated with Nashoba that the Town of Bolton would only be able to support a level funded district wide assessment for FY12.  Given the final result of the Nashoba Regional

On a motion made by Abdalian and seconded by Czekanski, the Advisory Committee voted to recommend that the Board of Selectmen disapprove Nashoba Regional School District assessment at any level higher than a 0% district wide assessment give the current FY12 budget situation.  (Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Abdalian – yes, Benjamin – abstained, Zelenkov – yes, Rohatgi – yes)  

Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day