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Advisory Committee Minutes 02-22-11
Advisory Committee                              Present:        Randy Dinjian
February 22, 2011                                               Bob Czekanski
Connie Benjamin
Terry Abdalian
                                                                Naveen Rohatgi
                                                                Michael Zelenkov
                                                         Linda Day, Town Secretary
                                                Town Administrator, Don Lowe

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Present:  Curt Plante and David Lindsay, Board of Selectmen
The Advisory Committee reviewed the FY12 budget with Mike Sauvageau, Building Inspector.
Based on the discussion the following revisions were made to the Building Inspector’s budget:   
Baseline level funded budget:   Supplies        $1,200 to $750
3% department reduction budget:         Supplies        $1,200 to $750

The Advisory Committee reviewed the FY12 budget with Sue Storbeck, Chairman of the Agricultural Commission.  Based on the discussion the following revisions were made to the Agricultural Commission’s budget:

Baseline level funded budget:   Miscellaneous   $1,746 to $1,800

The Advisory Committee suggested that for the FY13 budget, the Agricultural Commission use more descriptive line items (i.e. Advertising, Postage) for the funds being requested.   

The Advisory Committee reviewed the FY12 budget with Kevin O’Brien, member of the Housing Authority.   The Housing Authority submitted a level funded budget of $250, with $200 being submitted for the 3% department reduction budget.   Based on the discussion there we no revisions made to the budget.

Mr. Caisse, Tree Warden was not available for this evenings meeting as scheduled.  The Advisory Committee reviewed the budget and reduced the tree trimming line item in the 3% department reduction budget from $37,000 to $35,700.

The Advisory Committee did not feel the need to meet with Michele Marino, Veterans’ Agent.  The budget will be level funded.  

Mr. Dinjian will draft the Advisory Committee Statement for the Annual Town Meeting Warrant.  Mr. Czekanski will prepare the Advisory Committee presentation for the Annual Town Meeting.

On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the minutes of January 4 and January 11, 2011.  

The Advisory Committee recommended that the Nashoba Regional School Committee present a level funded district wide assessment.   The Advisory Committee reviewed Mr. Dinjian’s FY12 Budget Summary Spreadsheet.  The version B (3% department reduction) budget showed a surplus because of the cuts the Advisory Committee has made to nearly every town department’s budget.  (i.e. cruiser, patrol officer, books and staff)

Meeting adjourned.