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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-05-10
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
January 5, 2010                                         Burt Shnitzler
Randy Dinjian                                   
Bob Czekanski
                                                                Connie Benjamin
                                                         Linda Day, Town Secretary

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  Minutes of December 15, 2009 were read and approved.

Mr. Caisse, Tree Warden, presented the FY11 Tree Warden budget.   The wages line item for the Tree Warden was level funded at $3,022, while wages for detail officers were decreased from $3,000 to $2,500.  The "other expenses" line item, which is used for the disposal of damaged trees, was level funded at $6,000.  The tree trimming line item was level funded at $37,000.  Mr. Caisse explained that there was a balance of approximately $19,000 in the tree trimming line item for FY09 that was turned back to the general fund because the contractor did not have time to complete the work prior to the expiration of the contract and therefore the funds could not be encumbered.  Mr. Caisse stated that there are many damaged trees that still need to be removed as a result of the December 2008 ice storm.  He expects to see problems from that ice storm for the next 2-3 years.  

Mr. Caisse stated that the town does get some free tree-trimming from National Grid when they are in the area; the town is then responsible for disposal costs.  

Mr. Caisse expressed his concern regarding the outbreak of an Asian long-horned beetle infestation in nearby States, and in Worcester, Massachusetts, which is not far from us.  The Federal Government is responsible for the costs associated with removal of host tree species.  We could lose possibly 70% of our trees if the infestation were to hit Bolton.
Mr. Kovacs, chairman of the Agricultural Commission presented the FY11 budget for that Commission.  He provided the Advisory Committee with a summary of the FY10 budget along with a summary of the requested budget for FY11.

The Agricultural Commission has requested $1,800 for the purchase of two “right to farm” signs, printing of additional maps, agricultural space at the Bolton Fair, a holiday event along with the addition of a Spring event, postage, attendance at the annual farmers' meeting and the addition of an art exhibit.
Mr. Kovacs stated that he anticipates turning back approximately $500 to the general fund for FY10.  The Advisory Committee suggested that the Agricultural Commission consider using the FY10 funds for some of the items proposed for FY11.   

Mr. O’Brien, Chairman of the Housing Authority, presented its FY11 proposed budget.  Mr. O’Brien stated that the Housing Authority was manages the refinancing or sale of homes on Bolton Woods Way for the Board of Selectmen.  The Housing Authority is working very closely with the Affordable Housing Partnership and Jenny Atwood Burney, our Town Planner, to revise the Town of Bolton Housing plan.   

The Housing Authority budget is level funded at $250 for miscellaneous expenses in FY11.  These funds are used for members to attend various seminars, or for advertising when there is a sale of a home on Bolton Woods Way.   

Mr. Perwak presented his budget for FY11.  The purchase of service line item was increased from $20,500 to $23,600.  Mr. Perwak stated that, with the opening of the new library, there will be an increase in the number of computers from 6 to 25, thereby creating a more complex infrastructure to support.  Aside from the computers at the library, there are approximately 22 additional PCs in town offices. On occasion, the Police Department asks Mr. Perwak for assistance, and this is done under a separate contract.  The software support line item in the MIS budget was decreased from $8,860 to $4,350 based on fact that most of the Town's required software was purchased in FY10.  The web services line item was increased from $7,230 to $7,758 and assumes some minor price increases.  The "Other Expenses" line item was level funded at $750.  The equipment line item was reduced from $2,000 to $1,450 because most of the Town's equipment has been upgraded at this time.

The Advisory Committee reviewed the preliminary budget summary provided by Mr. Lindsay.  

The Advisory Committee discussed the message they would like to give at the Tri-Town Meeting related to the budget.  The Advisory Committee discussed a cost of living adjustment (COLA) for town employees; many opinions were expressed, but it was thought that this was an issue that did not have to be decided immediately.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.