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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-12-10
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
January 12, 2010                                                Randy Dinjian                                                                                            
                                                                Bob Czekanski
                                                                Connie Benjamin
Terry Abdalian
                                                         Linda Day, Town Secretary

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  

The Advisory Committee reviewed the FY11 budget for the Animal Control Officer with Ms. Latham, Animal Control Officer and Ms. Powell, Town Clerk.  Ms. Latham informed the Advisory Committee that the Stow kennel for stray dogs will no longer be available to the Town of Bolton without charge.  She had therefore increased the purchase of service line item, enabling us to compensate Stow.   After discussion, the Committee made the following revisions to the Animal Control Officer budget with the understanding that Ms. Latham could return to the Committee for a reserve fund transfer if one were necessary:
Purchase of Service – reduced from $1,100 to $750
Supplies – increased from $800 to $900
Gasoline – reduced from $1,300 to $1,200

The Advisory Committee reviewed the FY11 budgets for the landfill, Board of Health and Nursing with Mr. Rogers and Mr. Slade, Board of Health members.

Landfill:  The Board of Health made a preliminary request of $9,000 in the Landfill budget for monitoring wells.  The Board stated that this is only an estimate and that it will return to the Advisory Committee at a future meeting, during the current budget cycles, when more complete information will be available.   

Board of Health:  The wages line item was budgeted at $28,603, which includes a step increase for the Health and Permitting Administrative Assistant.  The wages for the Animal Inspector were level funded.  
The following line items were also level funded:

Purchase of Service (for NABH)          $6,861
Advertising                                     $   100
Postage                                 $     25
Supplies (for altocid)                  $   800
Travel                                          $   450
Membership Dues and Subscriptions       $   100
Other Expenses (for rabies testing)     $   500

Nursing:  The Purchase of Service line item was budgeted at $7,000 for Nashoba Nursing.

The Advisory Committee reviewed the FY11 budget for the Energy Committee with Mr. Gorr, Energy Committee member.

Mr. Gorr said that the Energy Committee purchase of service line item had been increased from $2,100 in FY10 to $2,500 in FY11 in order to do a heating audit of town hall, including a blower door test.  The Supplies line item had been reduced from $1,320 to $500, and the travel line item from $500 to $250.  

The Advisory Committee reviewed the FY11 budget for the Historical Commission with Ms. Engelmann, Historical Commission member.  The purchase of service line item had been increased from $3,800 in FY10 to $4,200 in FY11 to allow expanded consultant work for the Pan Area National Register Nomination.

The supplies line item was decreased from $2,400 to $2,000 and will be used for historical signage, specimen trees and landscaping at the Pan Cemetery.
The last four bollards need to be installed to finish the bollard program.  The bollards have all been paid for, and no additional funding is needed for them.

The postage, advertising, books and dues line items have all been level funded, resulting in a total requested Historical Commission budget for FY11 of $6,970.

In updating Advisory Committee members on the recent Tri-Town meeting, Mr. Lindsay expressed his belief that Mr. King, Assistant Superintendant of the Nashoba Regional School District for Finance and Administration, was willing to have an essentially flat budget for the School District in FY11.

Mr. Lindsay said that the Town of  Lancaster has Free Cash projected to be $135,000 at the end of the FY11 budgeting process.  They have $1.4 million in their stabilization fund.   They will not be giving any step increases or COLAs to their town employees.

On a motion made by Dinjian and seconded by Czekanski, the Advisory Committee adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day