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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-19-10
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
January 19, 2010                                                Burt Shnitzler                                                                                           
                                                                Bob Czekanski
                                                                Connie Benjamin
                                                                Terry Abdalian
                                                         Linda Day, Town Secretary

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Ms. Marino, Veterans’ Agent presented the Veterans’ budget for FY11.  The wages line item was level funded at $4,415.00.   The Veterans’ benefit line item was level funded at $1 with the understanding that the Advisory Committee would approve a transfer if funds were needed for a veteran eligible for benefits.

Mr. Storey, Chairman of Planning Board, and Ms. Atwood Burney, Town Planner, presented the Planning Board budget for FY11.  The wage line item was budgeted at $58,176 which includes a step increase for Ms. Atwood Burney.  The membership and dues line item was increased from $1,400 to $1,700.  Ms. Atwood Burney expressed concern that the FY11 purchase of service line item may not be sufficient to cover consulting and engineering services for new developments.  The Advisory Committee informed Ms. Atwood Burney that she could come to the Committee for a transfer if necessary.

Mr. Storey, who is also Chairman of the Affordable Housing Partnership, presented the Partnership's budget for FY11.  The Affordable Housing budget was level funded at $100.
Mr. Reed, member of the Board of Appeals, and Ms. Atwood Burney presented the Board of Appeals budget for FY11.  The Advisory Committee made the following changes:  the advertising line item was increased from $300 to $400; the membership, dues and subscriptions line item was reduced from $200 to $0.  The other expenses line item was reduced from $500 to $100.

Ms. Atwood Burney informed the Advisory Committee that she anticipates that she will need a transfer in the advertising line item for FY10.  

Permit tracking software:  Ms. Atwood Burney informed the Advisory Committee that the town offices are looking at purchasing a document management and permit tracking software system to assist the town departments in initiating, tracking and filing permits and applications each year.  This type of system would result in more efficiency on the part of the Town's staff. There are some creative ways of funding the permit-tracking software system, including making some initial purchases upfront and then offsetting the on-going cost by instituting a fee-sharing agreement where the vendor would receive 7% of the fees collected for permits covered by the system.  This would require the town to establish a revolving fund at Town Meeting.  The Advisory Committee found this approach interesting and was favorable to more discussion regarding this proposal.

The Committee discussed information received from Mr. Lowe, Town Administrator, regarding the removal of the 150 tons of contaminated material from the Public Safety Center site.  The quote for this removal was estimated at $22,421. The Public Safety Center budget contains funds to pay for the removal of up to 40 tons of contaminated materials.  Mr. Lowe is required to identify a funding source for the remaining amount before he can approve this invoice.   Mr. Troup, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, proposed that an article be placed on the warrant for the May 3, 2010, Annual Town Meeting to borrow, with a debt exclusion, the funds needed to cover the costs associated with the oil spill and to have the Public Safety Center construction project cover the costs in the meantime.  After further discussion, on a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to endorse Mr. Troup’s proposal to place an article on the warrant for May 3, 2010, Annual Town Meeting to borrow, via State House notes, funds to pay for the costs associated with the oil spill.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes)

The Advisory Committee received a letter dated January 15, 2010, from the Minuteman technical high school stating that the preliminary FY11 assessment for Bolton, as determined by adding the Town’s share of the  school's operating and fixed asset costs, is $271,942, a decrease of $80,231 from FY10.

The Advisory Committee reviewed the FY11 Report from the Capital Planning Committee.  The report indicated that a total of seven projects were worthy of consideration for FY11 capital funding.  These FY11 capital funding projects included:   1). $40,000 for approximately 11 defibrillator units; 2). Repair of Fyfeshire dam; 3). A new one ton truck; 4). Replacement of the culvert on East End Road; 5). Combining of the Emerson and Florence Sawyer School well; 6). Carpet replacement at the elementary schools and 7).  Document management and permit tracking software program system for town offices.   The Capital Planning Committee will be invited to meet with the Advisory Committee.

The post-FY11 capital funding projects included:  1).   Funds for the design and construction of a new Senior Center; 2). Town vault; 3) Annual cruiser replacement if it is not funded within the operating budget; 4) Schools including Mechanic Street repairs, Derby Field renovations, wooden structure replacement and Emerson School boiler; and 5) DPW including 6 wheel plow/sander, Sugar Road culvert, and other culverts.

Mr. Lindsay’s preliminary budget summary shows available funds in the amount of $152,992 after assumptions regarding additional expenditures not yet included in the budget.

On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee adjourned at 9:15 p.m.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Czekanski – yes, Abdalian – yes)

Respectfully submitted Linda L. Day