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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-26-10
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
January 26, 2010                                                Burt Shnitzler
Randy Dinjian                                   Bob Czekanski
                                                                Connie Benjamin
                                                                Terry Abdalian
                                                         Linda Day, Town Secretary

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  

Don Lowe, Town Administrator, and Ken Troup and Stan Wysocki, Board of Selectmen, were also present.

Minutes of January 5 and January 12, 2010 were read and approved.

The Library Trustees and Library Construction Committee will host an informal pre-opening walk-through for town boards, commissions, committees and employees at the renovated and expanded Bolton Public Library on Monday, February 1, 2010, from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.  

A public grand opening celebration will be held on Saturday, February 6, from 1:00 p.m. to
4:00 pm.

Mr. Zak, Mr. Oschenbein, Ms. Sterling, Library Trustees and Ms. Collins, Library Director presented the Library’s budget for FY11.  

A revised budget was submitted that showed a reduction in the overall budget from
$393,085 to $388,970, with the majority of the revisions being in the wages line item.

Mr. Zak stated that Ms. Madden, Human Resources Director, agreed that the three 35-hour per week positions are not graded correctly.  Mr. Zak recommended that these positions be reviewed when the next survey to review the overall grading of town employees is conducted.

The following revisions were made to the Library budget:
Wages line item was reduced from $179,758 to $166,482.  As a side note, the custodial services for the library are in the DPW budget;
Purchase of Service line item was increased from $1,500 to $8,438;
Professional Development line item was increased from $500 to $1,000;
Heating line item was increased from $18,000 to $20,000;
Miscellaneous line item was increased from $9,427 to $9,500.  This line item is used for various programs held at the library.   Therefore, the Advisory Committee requested that this line item be re-titled “Programs”.
Travel and Meetings line item was increased from $500 to $1,000;
Trash Disposal line item (for the recycling hauling) was reduced from $420 to $192;
Trash Hauler line item in the amount of $3,745 was removed from the library budget and added to the DPW budget.  Mr. Lowe, Town Administrator, will review the situation to see if there are alternatives for trash disposal at the library.

As a result of the trash hauler line item being moved to the DPW, the Books line item will need to be recalculated based on the Books formula.  

Transfer Request:  On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer request in the amount of $6,588 to Purchase of Services to cover the pay of the interim Assistant Library Director.  The Town will come out even on this transaction because there will be a surplus in the Wages line item that will revert to the Town at the end of the current fiscal year.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes, Dinjian - yes).  As an alternative, an article may be submitted at the annual town meeting to replenish the Reserve Fund by transferring funds from the Library Wages line item.  

Mr. Sauvageau presented the Building Inspector’s budget for FY11.  The assistant building inspector’s wages should be increased from $1,690 to $1,707.   Mr. Sauvageau reported that as of November 31, 2009, his department has taken in $34,000 in fees.

The Advisory Committee reviewed the FY11 budget for the Town Clerk, Elections and Registrars with Ms. Powell, Town Clerk.  

Town Clerk:  The salary and wages line item totaled $91,796.64 and represents step increases for the Town Clerk and the Assistant Town Clerk, plus $250 for longevity for the Assistant Town Clerk.   The expenses portion of the budget was level funded except for the travel and meeting expenses line item that showed a slight increase from $1,565 to $1,600.  

Elections:  The elections budget showed increases based on the number of elections to be held in the upcoming fiscal year:  

Purchase of Services line item was increased from $3,100 to $7,100;

Supplies line item was increased from $200 to $520;

Ms. Powell stated that she is in the beginning stages of reviewing options for moving the elections to another facility such as the high school.   The idea of moving the Town’s financial team to Town Hall would reduce open space in the building, making it difficult or impossible to hold elections there.  Ms. Powell stated that any change in location of elections may result in a need for additional funds for the initial move. Mr. Lindsay noted that it would be a matter of at least a few years before the Town Hall would be reconfigured.

Registrars:  The salary line item was budgeted at $150 and the supplies line item was budgeted at $800.  Ms. Powell agreed to research why the actual amount expended for FY09 was $390 versus the requested $800 for FY11 and report back to the Committee.  

Ms. Gumbart, Conservation Administrator and Kevin Lord, Conservation Commission member, reviewed the FY11 budget for Conservation Commission with the Advisory Committee.  

Fyfeshire Dam:  Ms. Gumbart stated that she was informed by the Town's Treasurer and Accountant that bond counsel has confirmed that we can bond for the construction or demolition of the Fyfeshire Dam.  

Budget:  The wages line item was budgeted at $41,994, which includes a step increase for the Conservation Administrator.  The supplies, travel and meetings, membership dues and subscriptions, professional development and the purchase of equipment line items were all level funded.  The other expenses line item included $2,500 for the conservation fund.  The Advisory Committee had questions regarding the Conservation Fund and how it is funded.  Members questioned specifically if the appropriated money goes into the Conservation Fund if it is not spent during that fiscal year.   Ms. Gumbart agreed to review the establishment and purpose of the Conservation Fund, and how the funds are appropriated and may be spent.  The balance of the Conservation Fund is $27,977.    The Advisory Committee discussed keeping a balance of approximately $30,000 in the Conservation Fund.  The Advisory Committee will consider decreasing the request to $100 pending an explanation from the Conservation Administrator.

Ms. Gumbart informed the Advisory Committee of the staff’s continued efforts in researching the purchase of a document management and permits tracking software system.  She asked the Advisory Committee for their support regarding the proposal.

The Advisory Committee canvassed member’s opinions on whether or not the Stabilization Fund should be replenished.  No decision was taken.
On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee adjourned at 10:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day