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Advisory Committee Minutes 02-02-10
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
February 2, 2010                                                Burt Shnitzler
Randy Dinjian                                   
Bob Czekanski
                                                                Connie Benjamin
                                                                Terry Abdalian
                                                         Linda Day, Town Secretary

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  

Ms. Chmielowski, Director of the Council on Aging met with the Advisory Committee to review the council's budget for FY11.    The Rental/Lease line item has been increased from $1,200 in FY10 to $1,800 for upcoming fiscal year.  This is a result of the monthly base rent for the space at the Bolton Country Manor for the Senior Center and Council on Aging office being increased because of the addition of Wednesdays.  The senior center is now open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  The Purchase of Service line item and the Other Expenses line item were reduced by $200 each, leading to the overall budget being increased by $200.  Ms. Chmielowski felt that the budget was adequate other than the fact that there may be a need for additional MART van service in the future.

Ms. Abdalian informed the Advisory Committee of a congregate meal program that the Friends of the Seniors were interested, at some point in the future, in implementing at the senior center one day a week, which would cost approximately $4,000 per year.  This was not included in the FY11 budget, but the Advisory Committee expressed interest in considering such an expenditure for FY 12.

Present:  Karen Regan, Joyce Sidopoulos and Tom Wildman, Parks and Recreation Commission members

Recreation:  Overall, the budget for Recreation showed an increase from $5,850 to $14,670 for FY11.  The increase in the Purchase of Service line item represents wages for the swim lesson instructor in response to the addition of a third swim lesson session.  The increase in the Supplies line item from $300 to $1,000 is due to a renewed focus on events and community activities that are being sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Commission.

The Commission is looking at Derby field as an alternative to the lacrosse field on the tower site on Route 117.  Commission members will be facilitating discussions with the DPW in an attempt to work towards improving the conditions at the Derby field so that it can be used for Lacrosse.  
Parks:  Overall the budget for Parks showed an increase from $4,000 to $4,080. This increase is based on the addition of "port-a-potties" at Person’s Park and Derby field.

The Parks and Recreation Commission are reviewing the possibility of repairing the Person’s Park building so that it can be used by the town for meetings and other activities.
The Parks and Recreation Commission continue to look at ways that they can bring in additional revenue to the town.

The Advisory Committee members discussed their views on whether or not there should be an article on the annual town meeting warrant to consider the local option meals/hotel tax.
The Committee discussed various options and voted as follows:

  • In favor of a local option meals/hotel tax article on the Annual Town Meeting warrant without an Advisory Committee recommendation.  (In favor:  Shnitzler, Benjamin; Opposed: Lindsay, Dinjian, Czekanski, Abdalian)
  • In favor of a local option meals/hotel tax article on the Annual Town meeting warrant with a negative recommendation.  (In favor: Abdalian, Opposed:  Lindsay, Dinjian, Czekanski, Benjamin, Shnitzler)
  • In favor of a local option meals/hotel tax on the Annual town meeting warrant with a Recommendation, but without determining that recommendation at the present time.  (A decision would be made prior to the warrant going to press.)  (In favor:  Benjamin, Abdalian, Shnitzler, Dinjian, Opposed:  Lindsay, Czekanski)  
Mr. Lindsay presented a spreadsheet showing the status of the fiscal 2011 budget which, tentatively, indicated free cash of $177,605 above the minimum target of $500,000.  

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day