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Advisory Committee Minutes 3-16-10
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
March 16, 2010                                          Burt Shnitzler
Randy Dinjian                           
                                                                Bob Czekanski
Connie Benjamin
                                                                Terry Abdalian
                                                         Linda Day, Town Secretary

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  

The minutes of March 2, 2010 were read and approved.

On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer request in the amount of $130 to the Library account #610, line item 5580 books,  for the purchase of books.  The amount of $130 was received as donations and submitted to the Town's general fund as required.  This transfer request will replenish the library account with an amount equal to the funds that were donated.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes)

Mr. Moses, Emergency Management co-director met with the Advisory Committee to discuss the emergency management budget for FY11.  Mr. Moses stated that the function of the emergency management team is to coordinate and support the department of public works, police, fire and ambulance departments in the time of a major emergency.  It also acts as the go-between for the town and the State.  FY 2011 is the first time there has been an Emergency Management budget.  The following is being requested:  Uniforms - $500; Web Services - $950; Supplies, Office/Computer - $350; Other expenses - $700, for a total of $2,500.  Mr. Moses has applied for funding from the State for training.  Surrounding towns have invested in various emergency equipment that can be shared with other towns.   On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the emergency management budget in the amount of $2,500.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes)

Ms. Madden, Treasurer/Collector/HR Director has requested 3 extra hours per week for Ms. Rogers, Assistant Tax Collector.   Mr. Lowe stated that there are functions that Ms. Rogers could do to help Ms. Madden during "crunch" times.  Several members of the Committee expressed the opinion that an increase of 3 hours per week was more than was justified based on what is known presently.  These members favored a smaller increase with the understanding that Mr. Lowe and Ms. Madden could return to the Committee for a transfer if more hours proved essential.  On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to increase the tax collector wages from $25,469 to $26,565 which in an increase of $1,056 for 1 extra hour per week.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Abdalian – yes)  Mr. Lowe will keep the Advisory Committee informed of this situation.  He will also provide the Advisory Committee with the estimated savings as a result of the Treasurer and Tax Collector positions having been combined.

Mr. Brown has requested a total of $20,000 for the library systems maintenance expenses.  Mr. Lowe stated that the requested funds are to cover the costs for the on-going maintenance and services of the equipment at the library that is not covered under the warranties.  Based on this information, the maintenance line item in 190 Buildings will be increased from $63,680 to $69,250.

At present, the Town of Bolton pays 25% and the school district pays 75% of the operating costs for the wastewater treatment plant.  Mr. Spratt, Facilities Manager for the School District, is proposing that the town and the school district now split the cost 50/50.   Mr. Spratt will be invited to meet with the Advisory Committee on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 to discuss this matter. Mr. Lowe will also attend.

Mr. Lowe presented to the Advisory Committee a proposal from Maguire Group Inc. for additional environmental services at the Public Safety facility in response to the oil leak.  The proposal includes quarterly groundwater sampling estimated at $7-$8,000; follow-up potable well sampling estimated at $6-$8,000; risk assessment estimated at $6-$10,000 and a response action outcome report due to DEP by December 4, 2010, estimated at $4,500-$7,000.  The total cost ranges from $23,500 - $33,000 and the Advisory Committee therefore recommended that $28,000 be put in the Town Buildings 190 account for the well monitoring.

The Advisory Committee had a brief discussion on the local meals/hotel tax options.  
Mr. Czekanski asked if it was possible to obtain information regarding the amount of money collected in state meal taxes from Bolton establishments, and specifically what percentage comes from the Nashoba Valley Winery and The International Golf Course, as these establishments are thought to have many customers from out of town.  The Board of Selectmen will be discussing the local meals/hotel tax options at their meeting on Thursday, March 25, 2010 to determine if these articles should be included on the ATM warrant.

The Advisory Committee agreed that the article for the regional household hazardous waste facility should include the $10,000 for the start-up fees, and if the article passes, the Advisory Committee would be willing to fund the $2,000 annual operating costs out of the reserve fund for the first year.

The Committee reviewed the draft Advisory Committee statement and made revisions that Mr. Lindsay will incorporate into the statement for review at the next Advisory Committee meeting.

On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Czekanski, the Advisory Committee approved a 1% cost of living adjustment (COLA) for most town employees.   (Shnitzler – yes, Czekanski – yes, Dinjian – yes, Lindsay – no, Abdalian – no, Benjamin – abstained) Those in favor of the 1% COLA stated that their opinion could change in the event of adverse changes to the budget in the next couple of weeks.  

Mr. Lindsay presented an overview of where the town's fiscal budget was at the present time.  There is $16,378 of unallocated Free Cash above the $500,000 minimum target.

On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Abdalian, the Advisory Committee voted unanimously to adjourn at 10:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day