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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-06-09
Advisory Committee                              Present:David Lindsay
January 6, 2009                                         Burt Shnitzler
                                                                Randy Dinjian
                                                                Connie Benjamin
                                                                Bob Czekanski
                                                                Lawrence Delaney

The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:30 pm.  All Committee members were present.  The Committee was joined by Mr. Curt Plante, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen.  The Committee reviewed and approved minutes from previous meetings.

The Committee discussed a request from the Library for a $454 transfer from the Advisory Committee’s Reserve Fund to cover unanticipated telephone expenses.  On a motion by Mr. Shnitzler, seconded by Mr. Czekanski, the Committee voted unanimously to approve the transfer.

The Committee discussed the likely size of the overall budget for fiscal 2010 and the amount of the Town’s Free Cash reserves that would have to be used to balance it.  Mr. Lindsay said he believed that the minimum amount of Free Cash that needed to be left at the end of the budgeting process was $500,000.  He was concerned, however, that taking Free Cash down to the $500,000 level might cause significant budget difficulties in fiscal 2011.  He said he would be more comfortable if Free Cash were at $750,000 when the fiscal 2010 budget was completed.

The Committee identified several “one-time” expenditures which it believed should be included as separate articles in the Annual Town Meeting warrant.

The Committee reviewed a revised budget submitted by the Library.  It represented a significant reduction from an earlier version, but the Library Trustees continue to envision a substantial increase in spending in the upcoming fiscal year as a result of the costs of staffing and maintaining the new Library building.

Mr. Plante told the Committee that he believed that in the recent past there had been some questionable spending by some Town employees.  He cited examples related to employees attending out-of-town conferences.  He believed that Town employees should car-pool to such events rather than drive their own cars individually.  He also said that he believes meals expense at these conferences was sometimes more than it should have been.  He believed that the Town should make a greater effort, and develop written policies, to do better in controlling this type of spending.

The Committee developed a preliminary schedule setting out the dates on which it would review the proposed budgets of the different Town Departments.

On a motion by Mr. Czekanski, seconded by Mr. Shnitzler, the Committee voted unanimously to adjourn at approximately 9:45 pm.