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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-27-09
Advisory Committee                                                               Present:        David Lindsay
January 27, 2009                                                                                Burt Shnitzler
                                                                                                 Randy Dinjian
                                                                                                 Connie Benjamin
                                                                                               Bob Czekanski
                                                                                                Lawrence Delaney

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. ~~Minutes of January 13, 2009 were read and approved.

Present:~ Carol Gumbart, Conservation Commission Administrator and Kevin Lord, Conservation Commission Chairman

The Committee had a discussion with the Conservation Commission Administrator and a Conservation Commission member regarding possible approaches to the Fyfeshire dam situation.~ At the end of the discussion, Ms. Gumbart said that she would investigate the cost of doing a study of the dam and of possible actions regarding it that the Town could undertake.~ She agreed to report back to the Committee when she had a cost estimate.

Present:~ Laura Kischitz, Paula Berg, Energy Committee members
~The Committee reviewed the Energy Committee's budget.~ On a motion by Shnitzler, seconded by Benjamin, it was voted unanimously to reduce the Energy Committee's postage line item to $70.  

Newly hired Town Administrator Donald Lowe was introduced to the Advisory Committee.~ Mr. Lowe~just came from a meeting with the Board of Selectmen where they successfully negotiated a contract.~ Mr. Lowe was welcomed by the Committee.~ Mr. Lowe’s starting salary is $87,713.60.~ He will start on March 2, 2009.

Present:~ Michele Marino, Veterans Agent
Ms. Marino is the Veterans Agent for the towns of Berlin, Bolton and Lancaster.~ Her office is in Berlin and she holds regular offices hours on Tuesday and Thursday from 9-2 p.m. Ms. Marino will provide Ms. Day with Veterans information to be posted to the town website, in the Bolton Common and in the senior newsletter.~ The total Veterans budget is $4,371.00 which was Ms. Marino’s salary.~ Ms. Marino will contact Pam Powell, Town Clerk to get a list of Bolton Veterans. ~The Advisory Committee was favorable to a transfer from the reserve fund to cover the costs for the printing of an informational brochure to be distributed to Bolton veterans.

Present:~ Gary Perwak
Mr. Perwak provided a budget for general IT support for current configurations, and a secondary budget that included general IT support for the new Bolton Library with an expanded computing infrastructure for 6 months, assuming the library goes on line January 1, 2010. Both budgets were reviewed and the following reductions were made: ~The Purchase of Service (5200) line item that totaled $21,000 for Mr. Perwak’s labor for the Town Hall, Finance offices, DPW, and the Library, which will have an additional 19 computers when they open in 2010 was reduced to $20,500.~ The equipment repair (5241) line item that totaled $1,500 was reduced to $750.~ The software support (5243) line item that totaled $9,360 was reduced to $8,860.~ Mr. Shnitzler will talk with Ms. Collins regarding the software requirements.~ ~The equipment line item (5850) originally included two new computers with one being allocated for the Tax Collector. ~With the present Tax Collector leaving in May, changes as a result of this vacancy may eliminate the need for the additional computer.~~ The equipment (5850) line item that totaled $3,250 was reduced for $2,000.~

Mr. Lindsay stated that Lancaster’s Town Administrator, Orlando Pacheco, anticipated a 5% reduction in lottery.  Mr. Lindsay is assuming it will be more like 10%.

Mr. Lindsay provided the Committee with a spreadsheet that presented unused free cash at $479,356 and free cash targeted at $750,000 for a $270,644 shortfall.~ The Advisory Committee discussed a 0% cost of living adjustment, and cut in road maintenance to lessen the shortfall.

Mr. Lindsay stated that it was his opinion that the Advisory Committee was obligated to show a non override budget to the town.~

On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to authorize overspending of up to $200,000 in the snow and ice budget. (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Delaney – yes, Czekanski – yes)

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Day