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Advisory Committee Minutes 02-10-09
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
February 10, 2009                                               Burt Shnitzler
Connie Benjamin
                                                                Bob Czekanski
                                                                Lawrence Delaney
                                                                Randy Dinjian

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  

Present:  Sheila Chmielowski, Director of Council on Aging and Barbara Brown, Co-Chair of the Council on Aging

In the Council’s budget, the purchase of service line item was reduced from $5,750 to $5,500, and the miscellaneous line item was reduced from $1,000 to $700.
Ms. Brown stated that the town is fortunate to have the Friends of the Seniors organization that helps the seniors with many needs such as oil assistance, various programs and luncheons.

Joe Kovac, Agricultural Commission member, presented the Commission’s budget

The Agricultural Commission was formed approximately two years ago.  It received a grant in the amount of $6,800 which was spent on brochures, a website, an event at the Bolton Fair and a holiday sale.  They have requested $1,800 for FY10 for the purchase of two “right to farm” signs that will be located on Route 117, the printing of maps, and an event similar to one held at the last Bolton Fair.  They will continue to look for grant opportunities.  

Present:  Jenny Atwood-Burney, Town Planner, Gerard Ahearn, Brad Reed, and Andy Kischitz, Planning Board members

Mr. Gerard stated that the 40B permitting line item was put in place to prevent the town from having unbudgeted expenses for 40B projects.  Generally, an applicant would be responsible for part of the expenses to the extent it is not unreasonable.  There is a current 40B project for which an escrow account has been established.  This line item was reduced from $9,500 to $500 with the understanding that, if necessary, the Board of Appeals would come to the Advisory Committee for a transfer.  

The advertising line item was reduced from $500 to $300 and the supplies account was reduced from $150 to $100.

Present:  Donna Madden, Treasurer

145 Treasurer:  Ms. Madden stated that at the last town meeting the article to change the tax collector position from elected to appointed passed.  The question must be approved by a ballot vote at the Town election this may.   The residents need to be educated on the proposed transition from an elected to an appointed position.  Ms. Child, the current Tax Collector, submitted her budget with the salary zeroed out and the wages line item being budgeted at $13,903.  The Treasurer’s wages line item was budgeted at $8,857 for a total of $23,760 to cover the Assistant Treasurer/Collector position.  This budget has been split between the tax collector and treasurer’s budget in the past.  Ms. Madden proposed increasing the hours for Ms. Rogers, assistant treasurer/tax collector, from 20 to 24 hours per week to cover the town hall office hours.  This increase will go into effect on September 1, 2009.  Ms. Madden is eager and ready to make the changes to transition into the tax collector/treasurer officer and will propose some technologies to pick up some additional fees.

Ms. Madden proposed an increase for her position from Grade 11, Step 2 to Grade 12, Step 1 effective May 1, 2009 with an increase to Step 2 effective September 1, 2009 as a result of the transition to the tax collector/treasurer’s office.   The salary line item was increased to reflect this proposed change in Grade.   

Ms. Madden proposed an increase for the assistant tax collector/treasurer from Grade 5, step 1 to Grade 6, step 1 effective May 1, 2009 with an increase to Step 2 effective July 1, 2009.  The wage line item in the treasurer’s budget was budgeted at $9,857 with $13,903 being budgeted in the tax collector budget for a total of $23,760.   Other revisions to the treasurer’s budget included: computer maintenance was reduced from $100 to $0; office supplies was increased from $1,100 to $1,200; educational assistance was reduced from $4,000 to $2,000; and equipment was reduced from $200 to $0.  

146 Tax Collector:  The tax collector salary was budgeted at $0; the wages was increased to $13,903, the software support was increased from $9,200 to $9,965; the supplies account was reduced from $1,500 to $1,000; the miscellaneous was reduced from $500 to $100, dues were reduced from $75 to $0; postage was reduced from $250 to $0.

Worcester Regional Retirement Assessment (911):   This line item was budgeted at $233,554.  This is a 9% increase.  We would receive a 1.2% discount if we paid it in advance.

Unemployment (913):   This line item was reduced from $1,000 to $100 based on the fact there have not been any claims in the last two to three years.

Health Insurance (914):  This past week Nashoba Health Insurance passed a blended rate increase of 6% which was lower than expected.  Unfortunately, due to the economy, the Town has picked up at least three families for coverage, and therefore the savings will be less than anticipated.  Ms. Madden noted that the health insurance budget may be short in fiscal year 2009.  In fiscal 2010 a new plan will be offered which will not benefit Bolton because the town has a 70-30 ratio.   Eight seniors are on the full cycle medicare plan which has created a savings.  The overall health care budget was cut from $330,800 to $327,800.  

Life Insurance (915):  Ms. Madden reduced this line item from $1,500 in FY09 to $1,350 in FY10.

Medicare (916):  This line item was reduced from $45,000 to $41,000.  The Advisory Committee applauded Ms. Madden for her efforts in preparing for the transition of combining the Tax Collector & Treasurer’s offices.

Articles:  Ms. Madden has submitted two articles for the Annual Town meeting.  1) to increase the fee for municipal lien certificates from $25 to $50 and to increase demand late fees from $5 to $10.  The total revenue increase estimate is $6,500.

Lancaster’s budget situation is tighter than ours.  They were unhappy that Bolton asked for a 4% increase as they would like to have bargained lower.  Stow has the Nashoba Regional School District’s 6.5% budget increase in their budget.  Their budget is balanced and includes a 3% COLA.  

Ms. Madden stated that the library shelvers are paid at the lowest grade and step on the salary schedule.  There is no restriction to stay on the pay scale, and minimum wage could be paid for the library shelvers.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Day