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Advisory Committee Minutes 02-24-09
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
February 24, 2009                                               Burt Shnitzler
Connie Benjamin
                                                                Bob Czekanski
                                                                Lawrence Delaney
                                                                Randy Dinjian

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  

Also present:  Curt Plante, Chairman, and Stan Wysocki, member, Board of Selectmen

Present:  Michael Sauvageau, Building Inspector

The telephone line item in the amount of $350 was removed from the building inspector’s budget.   The supplies line item was reduced from $1,650 to $1,200.  The vehicle maintenance line item was budgeted at $2,080.  Mr. Sauvageau proposed a $40 per week stipend for gas and repairs for use of his personal vehicle.  The Advisory Committee agreed to leave the vehicle maintenance at $2,080.  Mr. Sauvageau will keep track of his mileage and provide this information to the Advisory Committee for future consideration.

Present:  Linda Engelmann, Historical Commission member

The purchase of services line item was budgeted at $3,800 and will be used to hire a preservation consultant to register the Pan area as a historic area, and for the installation of bollards.  The purchase of the bollards will come out of the supplies line item, which was budgeted at $2,400.  At the end of 2010, the bollards project will be completed.  The books line item was reduced from $150 to $100.  The professional development line item was reduced from $100 to $0.  The dues line item was increased from $350 to $470.

Present:  Susan Latham, Animal Control Officer

Ms. Latham met with the Advisory Committee to discuss the Animal Control Officer budget.  The following budget line items were reduced:   The purchase of service line item was reduced from $700 to $400, the supplies line item was reduced from $800 to $600, and in-state travel was reduced from $1,300 to $600.  

Ms. Latham informed the Advisory Committee that Bolton uses Stow’s kennel at no charge.  Stow is building a new kennel and may charge Bolton for using it in the future.

Present:  Chris Rogers, Chairman, Laura Andrews, Board of Health members, and Lisa O’Leary, Health & Permitting Assistant

439 Landfill:  The monitoring well line item was budgeted at $8,200.  

510 Board of Health:  The following budget line items were reduced in the Board of Health budget:  The rabies testing line item was reduced from $1,000 to $500; the Nashoba Associated Boards of Health line item was reduced from $7,418 to $6,861; the advertising line item was reduced from $200 to $100; and the travel line item was reduced from $525 to $425.  

522 Nurse:  The purchase of service line item was reduced from $8,000 to $7,000.

Present:  Tom Pokorney and Karen Regan, Park and Recreation Commission members
Originally, Harold Brown, DPW Director, had budgeted $5,000 in the 190 buildings account for the maintenance of the basketball court located at the Memorial Field. This was removed by the Advisory Committee.  Since then, Mr. Plante talked with Sam Peirce, member of the Bolton Hoops Youth Basketball Group, and Mr. Peirce has agreed that the maintenance on the court should be done every three years and estimated the cost to be $3,500.  The Advisory Committee agreed to put $3,500 back in the buildings account to cover this maintenance.  

630 Parks:  Mr. Pokorney stated that they are waiting to see how the sheep field and horse ring area looks this spring before deciding on whether to go ahead with a lacrosse field.

The Parks and Recreation Commission have a revenue account for swim lessons, tennis lessons, and beach parking permits.  They also have a donations account that can be used for expenses for fields, but they must first receive permission from the town to spend out of this account. The swim instructor’s fees are offset by swim lesson revenue.  

The following budget line items were reduced:  The purchase of service line item was reduced from $7,000 to $4,100, and the supplies line item was reduced from $900 to $750.  

650 Recreation:  The purchase of service line item was reduced from $4,100 to $3,000.  The electricity usage at the Memorial field has increased because of the basketball court lighting, and the budget was therefore increased from $500 to $1,000.    

On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to authorize additional overspending of up to $80,000 in the snow and ice budget. (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Dinjian – yes, Benjamin – yes, Delaney – yes, Czekanski – yes)

The weekly budget spreadsheet showed no changes in revenue.  Changes in expenditures for general government, education, human resources and employee benefits that showed a net improvement in the budget position of $305,724.

Mr. Plante reminded the Advisory Committee that if the question of having the elected Tax Collector become an appointed Tax Collector fails at the Town Election, the position will need to continue to be funded.  The Advisory Committee would probably fund this out of the reserve fund if necessary.

The budget assumes a 1% cost of living adjustment (COLA) for non union employees and also assumes that the police get a 1% COLA for their first year of their new contract.  

Mr. Plante reported he had a meeting with the DPW union president Ryan Barry and another union representative to explain the budget situation for FY10 and a proposal related to the COLA.   Mr. Lowe was also present.  Mr. Barry agreed to discuss this with the union members and report back to Mr. Plante.  

Mr. Wysocki reported that he had a very cordial meeting with the police and communications departments, and their union presidents.  Mr. Wysocki informed them that the expectation is that when the contract is up for negotiations the town would be looking to negotiate a 1% COLA.  He stressed to them that this was not personal, but that these measures were necessary to avoid major budget cuts and possible layoffs.  

Mr. Dinjian asked that, given the significant progress from the beginning of the budget process, and the potential School Committee’s recent reductions, would the Committee be in a position to reconsider the size of the COLA.  Other Advisory Committee members felt that it would send the wrong message to the School Committee, residents, and others if they were to reconsider the 1% COLA.  

Mr. Plante thanked the Advisory Committee for its efforts to get the budget to where it is presently.  

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.