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Advisory Committee Minutes 03-10-09
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
March 10, 2009                                         Burt Shnitzler
Connie Benjamin
                                                                Bob Czekanski
                                                                Lawrence Delaney
                                                                Randy Dinjian

The Advisory Committee met at the town hall at 7:30 p.m.

Minutes from earlier meetings were reviewed until approximately 7:50 p.m.

Town Administrator Donald Lowe joined the meeting.  He informed the Committee that the Town Clerk was able to revise downward her budget for meetings (line 161-5781) from $2,550 to $1,565.

The Committee was informed by the Chairman that the Department of Public Works required an additional $20,000 for snow and ice expenditures beyond what had previously been approved.  On a motion by Mr. Shnitzler, seconded by Mrs. Benjamin, the Committee voted unanimously to approve the additional $20,000.

The Committee met with representatives from the Library.  The Library's budget for fiscal 2010 was reviewed.  After extended discussion, on a motion by Mr. Dinjian, seconded by Mr. Shnitzler, it was voted unanimously to reduce this budget to $299,333 from $318,610.

The Committee met with Carol Gumbart, the Town's Conservation Administrator.  Ms. Gumbart informed the Committee that she anticipated receiving, in the next few days, a letter from the State Department of Conservation and Recreation regarding the next actions to be taken concerning the Fyfeshire Dam.  Ms. Gumbart said that she would meet with the Committee again, once the letter was received, for a discussion about the fiscal 2010 budget implications of any actions to be taken in response to the letter.

Mr. Lowe informed the Committee that a pilot project was being undertaken to scan and store electronically certain Town maps and other documents.  It was believed that funding for the pilot project could be found in the Town Planner's budget and, possibly, from funds remaining in the Master Plan article.

On a motion by Mr. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dinjian, the Committee voted unanimously, at approximately 9:40 pm, to adjourn.