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Advisory Committee Minutes 03-31-09
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
March 31, 2009                                         Burt Shnitzler
Connie Benjamin
                                                                Bob Czekanski
                                                                Lawrence Delaney
                                                                Randy Dinjian (present for a portion of the meeting)
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  Minutes of March 3 & 10, 2009 were read and approved.

Present:  Kenneth F. Troup, Selectman

Present:  Shelly O’Toole, Administrative Assistant

Ms. O’Toole explained that the proposed article would fund Bolton’s portion of a permanent regional collection facility that will be set up in Devens, MA.   The Town holds a household hazardous waste collection day for residents every two to three years which costs approximately $18,000.  Ms. O’Toole stated that she is constantly receiving requests from residents looking to dispose of hazardous waste materials.   Joining the Devens facility will allow residents to dispose of hazardous waste 20 days per year.  (10 Saturdays and 10 weekdays).   The Town would be required to pay an annual user fee of approximately $2,000 which is based on the population.  

The residents disposing of hazardous waste materials will be required to pay a disposal fee.  Mr. Czekanski was concerned that Mass Toss Cooperative would make all restrictions user-friendly and then after the towns buy into the program they would change the restrictions.  MassDevelopment would be responsible for carrying the liability insurance.

Ms. O’Toole suggested that Tessa David, the organizer of this regional household hazardous waste collection program meet with the Advisory Committee for further discussion.   Ms. O’Toole stated that when the article was submitted she estimated the cost to be $15,000 but at this point was comfortable with reducing the amount to $10,000.  

A motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Czekanski to remove the language in the article for the borrowing to be contingent on the Town voting to exempt such borrowing from the limitation on total taxes imposed by Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 59, Section 21C(k) Proposition 2-1/2) was withdrawn.   On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the borrowing of $10,000 for the purpose of joining a regional hazardous waste facility and the approval is given regardless of whether or not the Selectmen make it contingent on an override vote.

Present:  Jim Boodry, Wiring Inspector; Fred Delorey, Plumbing and Gas Inspector
Mr. Lindsay informed the inspectors that it is the town’s policy that the inspection function should be cost neutral to the town.  Town Accountant Julie Costello provided a spreadsheet that showed that only half of the inspector wages are covered by the fees.  A suggestion was made to pay the inspector’s a percentage of the fees (90% - 95%) rather than an annual salary.  The Advisory Committee recommended that the Board of Selectmen increase the fees by 10% and that the inspectors do not receive a cost of living increase.   The Advisory Committee assured the inspectors that this was not an issue about their performance.  The inspectors stated that new construction is down and renovations are up.

Mr. Troup informed the inspectors that the Advisory Committee’s recommendation will be taken to the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting for discussion and they will invite the inspectors to a meeting before any changes are implemented.

Present:  Dan Teague

Mr. Teague requested the amount of $8,000 for the July 4th Celebration.  He explained that the total cost of last year’s celebration totaled $16,000 with $8,000 being for the fireworks and the remaining $8,000 being for rental costs for equipment, t-shirt sales, food costs, decorations and liability insurance.  Mr. Teague would like to request $8,000 to safeguard the fireworks portion of the event.  Last year they had five major sponsors and he was worried that this may not materialize this year.  On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to approve $5,000 for the article.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Delaney – yes)

Mr. Lindsay’s weekly budget spreadsheet showed deterioration in ending free cash, from the prior week, of $51,069.  The overall budget changes since the beginning of the process show revenues up by $454,808.  Over the same period, the Advisory Committee has improved the free cash position by $389,126.

Advisory Committee Statement:  The Advisory Committee reviewed its Town meeting warrant

Fiscal Year 2010 Operating Budget
On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Delaney, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Delaney – yes)

Fyfeshire Dam Phase II Inspection
Mr. Lindsay stated that he was not in favor of the article requesting $50,000 because it displayed an overly eager willingness to do what the State wanted.   A motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Benjamin to amend the article to $35,000 was withdrawn.  
On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Czekanski, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the article.  (Lindsay – no, Shnitzler – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – no, Delaney – yes)

Establishment of a Stabilization Fund by Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District
On a motion made by Czekanski and seconded by Benjamin, the Advisory Committee voted to disapprove this article.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Delaney  - no)

On a motion made by Delaney and seconded by Dinjian, the Advisory Committee voted to appoint David Lindsay, Burt Shnitzler and Bob Czekanski to a Subcommittee to be responsible for approving any minor changes necessary to the Advisory Committee statement between now and the time it goes to press. (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Benjamin – yes, Delaney – yes)

The next Advisory Committee meeting will be Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.  Mr. Czekanski noted that after town meeting he would like to take some time to review the ambulance compensation situation.  He suggested that Ms. Madden, Treasurer & HR Director, get comparable information from surrounding towns.  Mr. Dinjian stated that the salary schedule for the Town of Bolton needs to be upgraded.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:  Linda L. Day