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Advisory Committee Minutes 07-27-09
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
July 27, 2009                                                           Burt Shnitzler
        Connie Benjamin
                                                                        Bob Czekanski
                                                                Linda Day, Town Secretary

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.
The Committee convened at approximately 7:30 pm.  Present were Messrs.  Lindsay, Shnitzler, Dinjian and Czekanski.  Mrs. Benjamin was unable to attend.  The Committee has one vacancy.

The Committee reviewed a list of 24 interdepartmental transfers for fiscal year-end 2009, totaling $97,089.10, proposed by Town Accountant Julie Costello.  Most of the transfers were from unspent funds in 19 budget line items to the snow and ice removal line item.  On a motion by Czekanski, seconded by Shnitzler, the Committee voted unanimously to endorse the transfers.

The Committee's fiscal 2009 Reserve Fund totaled $70,090.25 at the time of tonight's meeting.  On a motion by Shnitzler, seconded by Czekanski, the Committee voted unanimously to transfer this entire amount to the snow and ice removal line item.

The Committee received notice from Town Administrator Lowe that because the Town's insurance bill for workers' compensation was not known at the time the fiscal 2010 budget was prepared, a transfer of $2,782.00 was needed from the fiscal 2010 Advisory Reserve Fund to the workers' compensation line item.  On a motion by Shnitzler, seconded by Dinjian, the Committee vote unanimously to make this transfer.

Susan Mason, chair of the Public Safety Center Construction Committee, spoke to the Committee, giving an update regarding the Public Safety Center project.  Ms. Mason reported that the project was on schedule and under budget.  She said that the favorable budget variance had allowed for several  "add-alternates", including a better elevator, increased insulation, a higher quality exterior and an expanded sallyport.  Ms. Mason said that there would be a site walk for town officials on August 5.

Carol Gumbart , the Town's Conservation Administrator, spoke to the Committee regarding the Fyfeshire Dam situation.  She said that a firm had been selected to perform the Phase II study required by State authorities.  The cost would be very close to the $50,000 that had been voted at the most recent Town Meeting.  Ms. Gumbart said that it would take until October to develop estimates of how much it would cost the Town to repair or, possibly, to remove the dam.

On a motion by Czekanski, seconded by Dinjian, the Committee voted unanimously to adjourn at approximately 9:00 pm.