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Advisory Committee Minutes 8-19-08
Advisory Committee                              Present:        David Lindsay
August 19, 2008                                                 Burt Shnitler
                                        Randy Dinjian
                                        Larry Delaney
                                                Connie Benjamin
The meeting convened at approximately 7:30 pm.

Mr. Lindsay summarized his view of the selection process for members to be appointed to the Town Administrator Search Committee.  He also said that he would like to be the Advisory Committee’s representative on this Committee.  On a motion by Mr. Shnitzler, seconded by Ms. Benjamin, Mr. Lindsay was appointed to the Town Administrator Search Committee by a unanimous vote.

The Committee had a discussion regarding the qualities to be emphasized in selecting a new Town Administrator.  Mr. Dinjian said that it was important that the new Town Administrator not be too controlling.  He also said that the new Town Administrator should commit to doing annual reviews for those Town employees who are her/his direct reports.  Mr. Shnitzler stated that it was important that the new Town Administrator be a good delegator.

The Committee discussed the upcoming sale of the Skinner property, and the possibility that the Town and/or School District might benefit from purchasing it.  Most members believed that the Skinner location was inferior to that of the present Town Hall.  Mr. Shnitzler expressed concern that if the Town’s government offices were moved to the Skinner building, and the current Town Hall and the Houghton Building were used primarily for meeting rooms, the Town might have excess meeting space, especially when the meeting rooms in the new Library and Public Safety Center were taken into account.  Several Committee members believed that the Skinner building might be more suitable as offices for the School District, rather than as Bolton town government offices.  Ms. Benjamin, who has been in the Skinner building many times, noted that the building appeared to her to be in need of extensive repairs so that its cost would be not only the original price, but also hundreds of thousands of dollars in repairs and upgrades.

On a motion by Mr. Dinjian, seconded by Mr. Shnitzler, the Committee voted to adjourn at 8:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Day