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Advisory Committee Minutes 7-8-08
Advisory Committee                              
July 8, 2008
David Lindsay
Burt Shnitzler
Randy Dinjian
Bob Czekanski
Larry Delaney
Connie Benjamin
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:30 pm.  
Chairman Lindsay led a brief discussion regarding the upcoming Special Town Meeting scheduled for July 14 and the Advisory Committee’s recommendations concerning the articles to be voted on at the Special Town Meeting.  It was noted that the Committee had already voted its recommendations for Articles 1, 4, 5 and 6.
On a motion by Mr. Shnitzler, seconded by Mr. Czekanski, the Committee voted unanimously to make the following recommendation on Article 2:  “In the event that the Planning Board moves to pass over Article 2, the Advisory Committee recommends voting to approve passing over; in the event that the Planning Board does not move to pass over Article 2, the Advisory Committee recommends voting to disapprove the Article.”
On a motion by Mr. Shnitzler, seconded by Mr. Czekanski, the Committee voted unanimously the same recommendation for Article 3 as it did for Article 2.
The Committee assigned the following members to present its recommendations at the Special Town Meeting:
        Article 1:  Mr. Shnitzler
        Articles 2 & 3:  Mr. Delaney
        Article 4:  Mr. Lindsay
        Articles 5 & 6:  Mr. Dinjian
Mr. Lindsay discussed briefly the process for finding a successor to the departing Town Administrator.  Mr. Lindsay said that he would like to be the Advisory Committee’s representative to the Search Committee for a new Town Administrator.  He stated that a decision on the Advisory Committee’s representative to the Search Committee did not need to be made at the current Advisory Committee meeting.
On a motion by Mr. Czekanski, seconded by Mr. Shnitzler, the Committee voted unanimously to adjourn at approximately 7:48 pm.