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Advisory Committee Minutes 4-29-08
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        David Lindsay
April 29, 2008                                                                  Burt Shnitzler
                                                                                Stan Wysocki
                                                                                 Randy Dinjian
                                                                                Robert Czekanski
                                                                                Graham Slieker
The Committee convened at approximately 7:30 pm.  

The Committee met with the Ambulance Director, Margy Diaz.  Ms. Diaz informed the Committee that the Ambulance Department’s fiscal year 2008 budget for wages and salaries had proved inadequate, due primarily to a greater than expected usage of the service.  More positively, the greater usage had led to larger inflows to the Ambulance Receipts Reserve fund.  After a detailed review of the Ambulance Department’s budget, the Committee voted unanimously to transfer $15,000 from its Reserve Fund to the Ambulance Department’s wages and salaries expenditure line item.  It was noted that an article to be voted on at the upcoming May 5, 2008 Annual Town Meeting would transfer $15,000 to the Advisory Committee’s Reserve Fund from the Ambulance Receipts Reserve Fund.

The Committee discussed the Town Meeting presentation to be made regarding its recommendation that Article 24 on the upcoming Town Meeting warrant (debt issuance for an artificial turf field at the Nashoba High School) be disapproved.  It was determined that Mr. Czekanski would make this presentation.

The Committee reviewed the Town Meeting warrant, article by article, to make sure that each member was aware of those articles he had been assigned to make a response in the event that Town Meeting participants had questions regarding the Committee’s recommendation on any of the articles.

The Committee reviewed a listing of its liaison assignments, making some minor adjustments.

On a motion by Mr. Slieker, seconded by Mr. Czekanski, the Committee voted unanimously at 8:35 pm to adjourn.