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Advisory Committee Minutes 4-22-08
Advisory Committee                                              
April 22, 2008

David Lindsay
Burt Shnitzler
Stan Wysocki
Randy Dinjian
Robert Czekanski
Graham Slieker

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Wysocki, the Advisory Committee voted to rescind the amount of $548.69 from the transfer request in the amount of $621.68 originally approved at the Advisory Committee meeting on Tuesday, April 8, 2008.  The total amount of the transfer is now $72.99. (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Wysocki – yes, Dinjian – yes, Czekanski – yes, Slieker – yes)

Present:  Bill Spratt, Facilities Manager and Frank Chiodi

A meeting was held with the Advisory Committee to provide background and reasoning for the proposed NRSD track reconstruction and synthetic turf field.

Mr. Spratt stated that the reality is there are not enough fields.  The average is 2 fields per team and the Nashoba District has 3 teams per field, and the fields are overused.  In an overuse situation, you can’t grow grass.    Three more fields are needed to match other schools.  The football field is not safe and is at risk for more injuries.  More sports have been added, and the soccer fields are getting as worn as the football field.   

Mr. Spratt stated that they looked at artificial turf fields and went out to bid with 12 bids being received and reviewed by the School Committee at their March 20, 2008 meeting.  The School Committee voted to approve the project and authorize debt to allow Bolton, Lancaster and Stow to consider during the Annual Town Meeting timeframe.    

Over a ten year period, there would be a level annual payment of $159,000 beginning in FY10.  They are also confident that the cost can be offset by lower maintenance costs, increase in sports fees, field use fees and fundraising.

The Advisory Committee expressed their disappointment with finding out about the turf field project the last minute.  Mr. Lindsay stated that he went to the last three School Committee meetings and it never came up as part of the discussion.  He stated there were issues in his mind regarding credibility and the budget process.  Mr. Lindsay proposed delaying the project a year.    Mr. Shnitzler stated that he was past the fact that the discussion was not included in the budget process but he would like to see the fundraising done earlier to reduce the proposed amount.  With this approach $800,000 could have been requested instead of the $1.2 million.    Mr. Spratt apologized.   

Mr. Slieker does not agree with the proposal and shared his editorial that will be published in the Bolton Common that summarizes his position.  Mr. Czekanski expressed his concerns and questioned what the district will give up as a trade off if this expense is added to the school budget.  He was also concerned about renting the field out and neighbor issues.

Mr. Spratt stated that the longer they wait to do this project the more problems there will be down the road and if the project is done now, the problems could be avoided.  Mr. Dinjian stated that he understands the need for good field conditions and for a comprehensive athletics program but at the same time understands Mr. Slieker’s point regarding education versus athletics.  The process was flawed.  Mr. Dinjian stated he could not get around the procedural flaw to support this year and suggested that the Committee take a year to strategize and come back in FY10.  

Mr. Wysocki would like to see the proposed turf field at the next annual town meeting allowing time to commit to raising a certain amount of funds.  

Mr. Lindsay proposed reducing the article to $822,000 and if they could raise the $422,000 difference they could proceed with the synthetic turf field.  

The Advisory Committee felt the proposed field was a worthy project, but believed that there was not enough time to discuss a compromise and educate the public on alternatives.   

On a motion made by Bob Czekanski and seconded by Stan Wysocki, the Advisory Committee voted to call the question for a vote.  (Wysocki – yes; Shnitzler – yes; Dinjian, - yes, Czekanski – yes, Slieker – yes, Lindsay – yes)

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to disapprove the artificial turf field article as stated in the ATM warrant.   (Wysocki – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Dinjian - no, Czekanski – no, Slieker – no, Lindsay – no)

The Advisory Committee reviewed the presentation for town meeting.  Revisions will be prepared by Burt Shnitzler and forwarded to Committee members.  The Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 29 at 7:30 p.m. to review and finalize.

Committee members were assigned to various articles for the annual town meeting as follows:     
Article 1:   Unpaid Bills for Fiscal Year 2007 – David Lindsay
Article 2:   Accept Annual Reports  - David Lindsay
Article 3:   Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Transfers - David Lindsay
Article 4:   Fiscal Year 2009 Operating Budget – Burt Shnitzler
Article 5:   Acceptance of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 32B, Section – David Lindsay
Article 6:   Tax Title Transfer – Stan Wysocki
Article 7:   Amend the Personnel Bylaw – Randy Dinjian
Article 8:   Tax Collector to Become an Appointed Position – Burt Shnitzler
Article 9:   Home Rule Bylaw Regarding Holdover Status for Elected Officials – Burt     Shnitzler       
Article 10:  Amendment to the Administrative Bylaws, Section 1.9.1 Dog and Kennel Bylaw – Bob Czekanski
Article 11:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section 2.5.7 Wireless Communication Bylaw – Stan Wysocki
Article 12:  Acceptance of Oak Trail – Stan Wysocki     
Article 13:  Town Easement for Installation of Dry Hydrant at 626 Main Street – Graham Slieker  
Article 14:  Town Easement for Drainage at 155 Nourse Road – Bob Czekanski              
Article 15:  Transfer of Borrowed Funds to Construct a Sewer Force Main – Burt   Shnitzler      
Article 16:  Authorizing the Town to Construct a Sewer Force Main in Certain Park Land – Burt Shnitzler
Article 17:  Purchase of Two Used 6-Wheeler Minimum 35,000 GVW Trucks for the Department of Public Works – Randy Dinjian
Article 18:  Continuation of Cleanup of Gasoline Contamination – Randy Dinjian
Article 19:  Intersection of Golden Run Road and Quail Run Road Engineering Study – David Lindsay
Article 20:  Purchase of Installation of a Vehicle Exhaust Emissions System at Fire Station – Stan Wysocki
Article 21:  Purchase of a New Town Hall Copy Machine – Graham Slieker
Article 22:  Funding for July 4th Celebration – Graham Slieker and Randy Dinjian
Article 23:  Acquire Bonazzoli Land – this article will be passed over
Article 24:  Field and Track Synthetic Turf Replacement Project at theNashoba Regional High School- David Lindsay or Bob Czekanski      

Meeting adjourned.      

Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Day