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Advisory Committee Minutes 3-11-08
Advisory Committee                              
March 11, 2008

David Lindsay                           
Burt Shnitzler
Stan Wysocki
Randy Dinjian

Linda Day, Town Secretary       

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Present:  Board of Selectmen member Curt Plante

Mr. Slieker has lived in Bolton for 7 years.  He is an electrical engineer by training.   He has an interest in Town affairs and would like opportunity to be part of that responsible governance.  

Although he has not been involved in the town or school budget process, he studies budgets at work on a daily basis and sees an opportunity to take more of an active role.
On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to appoint Mr. Slieker to the Advisory Committee, term expiration June 30, 2008.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Wysocki – yes, Dinjian – yes)

Present:  Tom Pokorney, Chairman of the Parks/Recreation Commission

630 Recreation:   The Recreation budget is level funded at $13,700.  The wage account covers the lifeguard for the beach and instructor for the swimming lesson program.  Mr. Plante is the Selectmen’s liaison to the Parks/Recreation Commission.  

Elaine Goddard, Parks and Recreation Commission are responsible for the beach, lifeguards and swimming lessons program.  Mr. Pokorney is responsible for the scheduling of fields and events.  

The Commission is holding off on any work with Derby field until the wastewater treatment plant project is completed.  

650 Parks:  The Parks budget is level funded at $4,600.   The purchase of service line item was estimated at $4,100 for the port-a-potties for the town beach, Forbush Mill Road and Memorial fields.  The electric line item was proposed at $500.  The Advisory Committee recommended that the electric line item be increased from $500 to $750 and the purchase of service line item will be reduced by $250.

Mowing is done once a week.  Another mowing on Friday would be very helpful.  Derby field is not used for the spring sports.  In the fall Derby field will be needed.  Mr. Pokorney stated that they have not found a use for Persons Park.  The DPW crew looks after the building.  
Mr. Pokorney stated that he is not aware of any proposal to use the lower horse ring area near Flatley Company as another field.  He stated that Mr. Boots, Lacrosse coach has put the proposal on the back burner for additional lacrosse fields for now and there is nothing pressing at this time to make the horse ring area into a field.

Mr. Plante complimented the Parks/Recreation and all those involved in cleaning up Memorial field.

Present:  Library Director Kelly Collins and Library Trustee Bob Zak
The salary line item was level funded and includes step increase but no cost of living increase (COLA).  The wage line item show a 13% increase, which includes step increases and the addition of 5 hours.  The misc. line item includes $4,774 for the CWMars as a network library.  Other funds in this line item include postage, children’s programs, summer reading programs, mileage and copier maintenance.   

The Advisory Committee recommended that in the future the CWMars be broken out into a separate line item.  

The Friends of the Library are leasing the building from Mr. Freidus as a donation.  The heat line item covers the electric expenses at the Freidus building and is based on the previous tenants FY07 electric bills.   If the project exceeds the project schedule, the rent could become something above the capital budget.   The Library must continue to meet the state standards to be certified.  Materials will be stored when they are moved and the storage costs are covered under the project budget.   It will be determined what items have value and what items can be purged.  

Funds for the new library will need to be allocated at the time the contract is signed which is anticipated to be in the June, July, August timeframe.  Some of the state money will be available as a result of reaching the milestone of signing the contract and $2.7 million will be needed from the town at this time.  The donations at this time totals $700,000.  

Mr. Zak stated that they would provide a complete timeline update in advance.  
When they move into the new building, there will be an increase in staffing to cover the library.  The senior tax rebate program will be utilized to help with future staffing needs.  The plan is to do some prep work over the summer and come back to the Advisory Committee with a proposal.  

Mr. Zak stated that all funds are in interest bearing accounts.  Mr. Plante questioned to whom does the interest accrue?  Mr. Zak stated that the interest has been included as part of the project.  

Present:  Margy Diaz, Dina Rich and David Farrell

The Advisory Committee was provided with a spreadsheet that showed how both the fire and ambulance departments are compensated.   

As part of their budget, they proposed stipends for the ambulance director at $6,000, and the assistant ambulance director at $4,000, scheduling officer $500 and the training officer $500. They also proposed compensation for EMTs at $15 per training class.  
The Advisory Committee would like to see the two departments compared and therefore recommended that the stipend of the ambulance director be $4,500, which is the same as the fire chief stipend.  A discussion will take place with Town Administrator Jodi Ross about the implication of having additional stipends in the ambulance department without having them in the fire department.  

Ms. Diaz stated that the wages line item for FY08 will need a transfer.  Ms. Diaz will prepare a transfer request for the Advisory Committee.  These funds will be transferred from the ambulance receipts reserved account back to the Advisory Committee reserve fund at the annual town meeting.  

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $8,500 for debt service interest.  (Lindsay – yes, Wysocki – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Dinjian – yes)

Mr. Lindsay stated that with the tight budget year was uncomfortable with the request for funding for the July 4th celebration.  His thought was not to include it as part of the budget but have an article allowing the town to vote on this.  He asked the Advisory Committee members to think about this for further discussion.  

On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Wysocki, the Advisory Committee voted to adjourn at 9:55 p.m.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Wysocki – yes,
Dinjian – yes)

Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Day