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Advisory Committee Minutes 02-20-07
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        David Lindsay
February 20, 2007                                                               Burt Shnitzler  
Richard Fly
Andrew Burnett
Stan Wysocki
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Present:  Fire Chief John Stephenson, EMT Director Gery Wilson and Selectman Curt Plante

Budget:  The wage-inspections line item was increased from $3,375 to $5,000.   Mr. Stephenson stated that he increased this line item due to the increase in inspections because of the upcoming development in town.   The wages-permanent firefighter line item was budgeted at $21,643 and is split with the Ambulance Department.     

The heating and electric line items reflected a 15% increase.   

The telephone line item was budgeted at $950 for FY08 compared to $0.00 for previous years.  This is because the police department paid the bill for the fire department in past years but gave the responsibility back to the fire department with the implementation of the new full time emt/firefighter.

The software line item reflects an increase from $600 to $1,000 for the full time emt/firefighter on board and to help with the combining of the three departments.

The gasoline, diesel, uniforms, other charges and dues/memberships line items showed a slight increase.  

The automotive, misc. and water holes line items were level funded.
Overall the budget is up approximately $26,000 or 6% which includes the wages for the full time emt/firefighter.

Article:  The Fire Department also has an article on the ATM warrant to appropriate the sum of $20,000 to offset the federal grant for the purchase of a new 2007 fire truck.  

The wage line item was level funded at $35,000 and is for all call firefighters.  

The EMT Coordinator line item was level funded at $4,944.  This line item was carried in the Board of Selectmen’s budget in past years.

The EMT/Firefighter line item was budgeted at $21,643.  This is for the full time EMT/Firefighter David Farrell and the wages for this position is split with the Fire Department.  

The EMT Reserve line item is for coverage for David Farrell when he is out sick, on vacation or when school is not in session and cadets are not available.  

The Purchase of Services line item is level funded at $18,000 to pay the ALS fees and the billing company.
The Supplies line item has increased due to the need for additional supplies with a new full time emt/firefighter.  

The Uniform line item is budgeted at $250 and is split with the Fire Department for a total uniform allowance of $500 per year.

The Cadet EMT training line item was budgeted at $14,000.  This is for 3 instructors to run the EMS training course at Nashoba Regional High School.   The first year students go twice a week and              the second and third year students go once a week when school is in session.  

In past years the ambulance budget was limited to two or three line items.   This year additional line items including uniform, equipment repair, office supplies and postage were added to better represent the expenses.

The present ambulance is 10 years old and has 41,000 miles.   Mr. Wilson anticipates an increase in the annual mileage with the new full time emt/firefighter on duty.  

Net of special factors, Mr. Shnitzler estimates that the overall increase of the ambulance department budget is 3%.   

The specifications for the new ambulance should be distributed the end of March and the expense will come out of the ambulance receipts reserved account.  With the purchase of the new ambulance the equipment repair line item could be reduced but after discussion Advisory Committee agreed to leave it as is because a new ambulance will not come into use until well into the new fiscal year.  Mr. Wilson was asked to have a breakdown of equipment repairs for general maintenance versus repairs.  

Mr. Wilson stated that the ambulance receipts reserved fund takes in approximately $100,000 per year and a new ambulance is purchased every five years at approximately $150,000.  This leaves approximately $350,000 per a five year period.  The Advisory Committee discussed using monies from the fund to cover the non-wage expenses of the ambulance department to reduce the amount to be raised by taxpayers.  The Committee did not feel that a large sum of money needed to remain in the fund over and above the cost of the ambulance.

Mr. Stephenson was not aware of other towns generating revenue based on fire calls.  Mr. Plante stated he knew Clinton had tried this approach.  Mr. Stephenson stated it could be possible for a Route 495spill type of emergency but didn’t know of any town trying to do this for fire services.

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Burnett the Advisory Committee accepted the annual report for 2006.  (Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Burnett – yes, Fly – yes, Wysocki – yes)

The next Advisory Committee meeting is Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.  The Community Preservation Act group will meet with the Committee at 7:30 p.m.   Ms.  Day will contact Mr. Jay McNamara, who expressed interest in serving on the Committee, to schedule him for an interview with the Committee.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.