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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-29-07
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Scott Powell
January 29, 2007                                                                David Lindsay
Stanley Wysocki  
Richard Fly
Andrew Burnett

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  Minutes of December 7, 12, 19, 21, 2006 and January 3 & 9, 2007 were read and approved.

Present:  George King, Superintendent of Finance; School Committee members Patricia Kelly and Cathy Giunta; Selectmen Panny Gerken and Curt Plante; Town Administrator Jodi Ross

Mr. King provided an overview of the budget with the Advisory Committee. A copy of the FY08 Superintendent’s Budget Proposal is attached as part of the minutes in the Town Secretary’s office or can be found on the Nashoba Regional School District website at

Mr. King stated that the budget was presented to the School Committee on Thursday, January 25, 2007 and the School Committee met on Saturday, January 27, 2007 to review this budget with the principals.  

Points of interest:
The proposed budget is up 7% over last year.
COLA is 3% for the teachers this year.
Facilities maintenance has increased $111,488.
Recommendation of new positions district wide.  
The student count is up about 30 students and estimate same as next year.
Anticipated completion of the turf field is Fall of 2007.
Space needs are being addressed throughout the district.
Contracted services line item increase from $113,850 to $155,000 is for the Resource Police Officer.
Increase in Center School budget includes the addition of a 3rd grade classroom.
District Nurses salaries line item increase reflects step increases.
Facilities Department Salary line item increase reflect an additional maintenance employee.
Grounds supplies line item increase reflects the purchase of a lawnmower and turf maintenance.
Center School teacher salary increases reflect steps and cola.

The following areas of the budget show a 10% increase:  
English teacher’s salary increase reflects the addition of one position;
Center School teacher salary increase reflects steps and cola;
Coaches salary is increased and is a result of the budget being treated differently.  In the past certain aspects of the expenses such as transportation and police department details were charged directly to the fund.  This year all athletic costs are being shown to show the true budget but expenses are offset by the fees;  
Rowlandson School Teacher increase reflects costs and colas for teachers and the addition of one aid which will be reflected as a reduction in another portion of the budget.

The Advisory Committee has requested:
The cost of step increases for the teachers, and specific information on the breakdown of the teachers at the Center School.  

The district has a reserve fund (excess funds) in the amount of $1 million.  State law allows no more than 5% of the school budget.  

Ms. Ross asked the Advisory Committee’s opinion as to whether they would rather do a Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) for the treatment plant borrowing which can be done relatively quickly or bonding the amount which would take longer.  

Mr. Lindsay stated that long term municipal rates are low by historic standards and would recommend borrowing $2 million long term for the wastewater treatment plant and $2 million for the library.   The Advisory Committee would like to review the information provided and will provide Ms. Ross with any questions for the Financial Advisor.

1.      Can we delay using the state monies for the library?   Instead of using for architect can we bond and use that $2 million for start of construction?  
2.      Is there a rule as to when you have to spend the $2 million borrowed?    

Ms. Ross stated that the bank charges had not been budgeted for in FY07.

Meeting adjourned.