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Advisory Committee Minutes 01-9-07
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Scott Powell
January 9, 2007                                                         David Lindsay
Burt Shnitzler  
Stanley Wysocki  
Richard Fly
Andrew Burnett
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Present:  Police Chief Vin Alfano, Communications Coordinator Donna Hathaway and Administrator Assistant Lorraine Kenney

5102 Salaries line item of $94,086 reflects a step increase.

5133 Wages line item reflects a $78,578 increase for contractual obligations (approximately $34,000) with the police union including the 4 & 2 schedule.  This line item also includes wages for a second Sergeant (approximately $1,100) and a School Resource Officer (approximately $43,000) being proposed by Chief Alfano.  The second Sergeant position would provide supervision on the midnight shift.   Chief Alfano was asked if this position would become more expensive in future years.  Selectmen Troup asked what the pros and cons of a stipend versus the second sergeant position would be.  Chief Alfano stated that they were not creating a new position but would be promoting from within.  There would be a standardized test, minimum requirements to be met and an independent review board.   Chief Alfano stated that the School Resource Officer would be primarily at the high school but would also be shared with the Florence Sawyer School.  Superintendent Wood has submitted a plan to the School Committee that includes $40,000 for this position.  If approved by the School Committee the Police Department budget would be reduced to reflect the $40,000.   Chief Alfano stated that the additional benefit of this position would be that when school is not in session the officer could be used for vacation time, extra projects, and would help to keep the overtime down.   Chief Alfano sees this as a win-win situation for both the town of Bolton and area towns and school district.  Sgt. Bagdonas has done research and did not find any funds available through grants for this position.  

5200 Building Expenses/Services line item reflects an increase from $14,000 to $15,500 for an increase in energy costs.

5201 Hired Services line item reflects an increase from $2,500 to $5,000 for additional physical testing for the Police Officers.

5301 Training line item reflects an increase from $5,800 to $6,800 for required training for officers assigned to detective work and new Sergeant training.
5580 Uniforms line item reflects an increase from $10,800 to $11,650 for contractual obligations.

5480 Gas line item reflects an increase from $24,000 to $32,000 based on rising fuel costs.  The Advisory Committee recommended that Chief Alfano revisit this line item and submit a budget that reflects the number of gallons used in 2006 times the price of gas today.  

5850 Equipment line item of $7,700 will be used to update the present equipment (radios, computers, radar, and some software) in existing cruisers.
5870 Cruiser Purchase reflects an increase from $26,073 to $29,970 due to the increase in the MA state cruiser bid price.  

Overall the police budget is a 7% increase over last year without the new police officer position.  

5134 Wages with Overtime reflects an increase from $180,000 to $197,929 because of contractual obligations.   Ms. Ross stated that the dispatchers were underpaid and it was a substantial increase in order to bring them in line with other comparable towns.  This wage account also includes funds for a 2 day training class for the state mandated enhanced 911 that all dispatchers and officers must take.  

5200 Purchase of Service reflects an increase from $23,142 to $26,862.  This increase is mostly fixed costs but does include some additional funds to bring the department into the email word.  Mr. Plante suggested that Chief Alfano provide an itemized list for the Purchase of Service account to show the increase from $11,664 in 2006 to $23,142 in 2007 and $26,862 for 2008.  Ms. Hathaway stated that part of the explanation for the increases over the years in this line item was to address Ms. Gerken’s concerns related to the miscellaneous line item being a catch all rather than placing the funds in the more appropriate line items.  

5243 Software Support reflects an increase from $1,108 to $5,000.  This increase is for the purchase of software for the R&D.   Chief Alfano was asked to provide information explaining what has been spent so far in FY07 for line item 5243 software support and provide detail information on what is maintenance versus software.

5580 Uniforms reflects an increase from $1,000 to $2,050 due to contractual obligations.
Mr. Plante suggested that Chief Alfano provide a list of suggested budget cuts if he were to be asked to make any cuts.  Mr. Wysocki stated that without the one time costs it appears that the budgets are level funded accepted for the wage line items.

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Lindsay, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a request for a transfer in the amount of $3,000 for the salary of a transportation driver for the implementation of the Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MART) van to transport handicapped persons and senior citizens of Bolton.   The amount of $3,000 will be placed in account 541-5781.   (Powell – yes, Lindsay – yes, Wysocki – yes, Shnitzler - yes, Fly – yes, Burnett – yes)

The Advisory Committee and Board of Selectmen received a memo from the Personnel Committee dated January 5, 2007 recommended a 3% cost of living adjustment for fiscal year 2008 for all non-union town employees.  Their recommendation is based on information received from the U.S. Department of Labor Consumer Price Index and current union contracts for Bolton union employees.   This would be an increase of $34,000 which is not reflected in the present budget.

The Library Trustees will meet with the Advisory Committee on Tuesday, January 23, 2007.  The Advisory Committee has changed their meeting of Tuesday, January 30, 2007 to Monday, January 29, 2007.  Mr. King will meet with the Advisory Committee to discuss the Nashoba Regional School District budget.

Meeting adjourned.