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Advisory Committee Minutes December 12, 2006
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Scott Powell
December 12, 2006                                                               David Lindsay
Burt Shnitzler  
Stanley Wysocki  
Richard Fly
Andrew Burnett
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Present:  Conservation Commission Administrator Carol Gumbart, Conservation member Amy Wilson and Kevin Lord

Budget:  The wage line item showed an increase from $34,495 to $35,664 which included a step increase for FY08.  Ms. Gumbart stated she is budgeted for 32 hours per week although her average work week is approximately 30 hours.   The expenses for the Conservation Commission were all level funded.  Ms. Gumbart stated that the in-state travel will be over spent by approximately $50.00 for FY07.   The Advisory Committee agreed that Ms. Gumbart should increase her in-state travel line item from $100 to $150 for FY08.   

Article:  Ms. Gumbart stated that the Conservation Commission would like to sponsor an article to request the purchase of a vehicle that she could use to do wetland and conservation property site visits.   At present Ms. Gumbart uses her own vehicle for town business which has put a lot of wear and tear on her own vehicle when visiting wetland areas and sites under construction.  The DPW and Assessors are also looking for a vehicle and had considered sharing this vehicle between the three departments.

Present:  Parks & Recreation member Elaine Goddard

Recreation Account 630:  The wages line item for the lifeguards is level funded at $4,500.  The purchase of service line item is also level funded at $6,800 which includes $3,000 for a new summer tennis program and $3,800 for the swim instructor.  Ms. Goddard stated that the swim program spent $3,000 so far in FY07 and they brought in $5,500 for the swimming lessons.  

The equipment line item in the Recreation budget (630) showed an increase from $500 to $1,500.  The additional $1,000 will cover costs to replace the materials (i.e. poles and netting) on the volley ball court.  This amount does not cover labor.  

Parks Account 650:   The purchase of service line item was level funded at $4,100 and is strictly for porta-potties at beach and parks.  The electric line item is level funded at $500 and is for Person’s Park which is not being used and therefore Ms. Goddard felt this amount was sufficient.

Ms. Ross, Town Administrator reviewed her budgets with the Advisory Committee.
Selectmen 122:  level funded.

Town Administrator 123:   The salary, travel allowance, deferred compensation line items show an increase as a result of contract negotiations.  The wage line items show an increase as result of step increases.
Legal 151: level funded.  If necessary Ms. Ross, Town Administrator stated this budget could be decreased to $60,000.
Town Hall 192:   Heating and electric were increased to reflect increased energy costs.  Heating was budgeted at $7,000 which is approximately 20% increase over last year.  Electric was budgeted at $6,000 which is approximately 15% increase over last year.   The Committee asked for specifics on the request for $2,100 for the purchase of service line item which was level funded from last year at $2,100.  These funds were requested for space needs analysis of the town hall so that the financial offices could be moved to the town hall.

Building Insurance 194:  level funded

Town Reports 195: level funded

Traffic Lights 293:  Electric was budgeted at $2,150 which is a 15% increase over FY07.  Repairs was reduced to $1,525 from $1,800 based on last year’s expenditures.  

Street Lights 424:  level funded at $6,500.  Advisory Committee recommended that this line item be increased to $7,000 which is a 15% increase.  Ms. Ross informed the Committee that both Traffic Lights and Street Lights will be transferred to the Department of Public Works for FY08.

Workers Compensation 912: level funded

Other Insurance 945: level funded


A 3% COLA would be an estimated $25,000 for non-union employees.  Ms. Ross reported that the Personnel Committee will be meeting and making a recommendation to be submitted to the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee.

The Accountant’s salary line item showed a 6.1% increase.  Ms. Ross will speak with Ms. Costello, Accountant regarding this increase and report back to the Advisory Committee.

The Treasurer’s salary line is $51,210 which includes a step increase.  The wage account represents half of the wages for the Assistant Treasurer.  The other half of the wages is in the Tax Collector’s budget.  The increase in the bank charges line item from $3,500 to $52,500 represents the borrowing for the capital projects.  The Advisory Committee asked Ms. Ross if the bank charges could be rolled into the borrowing for capital projects.   Ms. Ross will discuss this with Accountant Julie Costello.

Ms. Ross reported that the search committee interviewed 16 applicants for the Treasurer position and has invited four applicants back for a second interview.  She anticipates the applicant chosen will start around January 2, 2007.

Mr. Lindsay stated that the overall budget is up more than 5.5% but that debt service is up only about 4%.   He would like to see operating expenses and debt service up by approximately the same percentage.  This would involve a smaller increase in operating expenses and a moderate acceleration in the financing of the Town’s capital spending projects.  

Meeting adjourned.