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Advisory Committee Minutes June 13, 2006
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Scott Powell
June 13, 2006                                                                   Christopher Slade
                                                                                David Lindsay
                                                                                Burt Shnitzler
                                                                                Richard Fly
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  

The Advisory Committee reviewed and approved the transfer request of Kelly Collins, Library Director for $1,408.00.  The request was to cover an unexpected deficit in the heating line item.  (Powell – yes, Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Mr. Fly was not present for this portion of the meeting)

The Advisory Committee will have a quorum for the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Wednesday, June 21, 2006.  

The Advisory Committee reviewed the May 19, 2006 draft of the Town of Bolton Master Plan.~ The entire committee felt the plan was very well organized and easy to read and we were impressed with the amount of factual information in the plan.~ We congratulate the
Master Planning committee on the significant progress they have made towards completing a very difficult and important task.

As requested, the Advisory Committee would like to see the following suggestions incorporated into the next revision of the Master Plan.

- The implementation plan section needs to be expanded and completed.  We are particularly interested in the implementation matrix, which we hope will identify the timing of projects, rough estimated costs and priorities.

- The population growth projections should be re-visited and aligned with the various growth assessments available and cited in reports from other committees (such as the current report from the School Needs Committee).~ The current Master Plan appears to be utilizing population growth projections which are on the high-side of various estimates and projections.

- While we agree that slower population growth is good for the town, we believe there should be less emphasis on the connection between population growth and the growth of taxes.~ For example, on page 8 one of the stated goals is to "Rein in the growth of taxes in the next two decades by slowing population growth".~ We question whether slower population growth will slow the growth of taxes - particularly when the fastest growing segments of the population will be, respectively, in the 55 to 64 and 65 and over age groups as cited on page 15 of the report.

- The survey data presented identifies town priorities if cost is not an issue.~ We'd like to see the priorities when cost is considered.~ Wasn't this part of the survey as well?

- The discussion of increasing taxes needs to be more balanced.~ The growth of Bolton taxes during that past four years is not much higher than the state average, particularly when the one-time costs of paying for the Nashoba deficit issue are considered.

- We support a comprehensive review of the Community Preservation Act (CPA).~ However, we believe the recommendation to implement the CPA is premature at this time, given the general lack of understanding throughout the community regarding the implications of this legislation.

- Regarding the recommendation to increase the open space percentage to 50% in the FOSPRD bylaw, we're concerned this will force homes to be built in much closer proximity.~ An important character of our town is the significant amount of space which separates most of the homes.~ We would strongly encourage maintaining and enhancing this significant feature of Bolton.

- We found the recommendation and explanation of the Transfer of Development Rights Bylaw very confusing.

- Section 10.2.1 School Facilities Strategic Expansion Options should be consistent with the report of the Bolton School Needs Assessment Committee.

Meeting adjourned.