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Advisory Committee Minutes March 21, 2006
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Christopher Slade
March 21, 2006                                                          David Lindsay
                                                                                Wendy Rogers
Burt Shnitzler
Richard Fly

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.   Minutes of February 28, 2006 and March 7, 2006 were read and approved.  

Present for the Meeting:  Selectmen Ken Troup and Panny Gerken, Curt Plante, Wayne Wetzel (7:50 p.m.)

Mr. Troup reported that the anticipated cost of the wastewater treatment plant project would be approximately $2.5 million.  The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee visited three treatment plants to view the three technologies.  The systems considered most appropriate for school wastewater treatment are:

Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC) - is a rotating bacterial system and is the type used at the Stow housing development next to BOSE and the Cisco complex in Boxboro.  

Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) – The SBR is larger in size and has some odor.  

Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) – The Nasboba Regional High School has the MBR system and this type of membrane is recommended for schools.

The Committee is meeting on Thursday, March 30, 2006 to discuss the technology information received by Tata and Howard and decide on the type of technology to be used.  The Committee’s plan is to have a better estimate of the cost of the project for the annual town meeting.  The Advisory Committee was provided with a copy of the project.  The water from the MBR system can be used for toilets and there was also discussion about using it for irrigation of playing fields.   Mr. Troup stated the Board of Health did a study that showed the flow would be approximately 38,000 per day based on all existing wells and septic systems along Main Street.   At present it appears the Town is not in a position to connect the historic district to the treatment plant but there may be opportunities later on in the process.  The cost to run the piping might be greater than the cost of a new septic system.  Mr. Troup distributed the document to be published in the warrant on the history and status of projects page for the Emerson/Florence Sawyer Schools Wastewater Treatment Plant which shows tax impact calculations.   The building housing the treatment equipment will be located in the wooded triangle between the Florence Sawyer music room and Old Mechanic Street.  The Advisory Committee viewed pictures of four types of buildings that can be constructed.  

The plans must be submitted to the State in June of 2006, with the project to be completed in April 2008.  

Mr. Shnitzler, liaison to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee stated that the biggest open issue is the capacity of the sheep field.  In terms of the technology the ability of the MBR to run on varying flows was favorable to the Committee.  

Mr. Troup feels that we will have better information at the time of town meeting.  

On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the Wastewater Treatment Plant article.  (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Rogers – yes,
Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes)

Article 2:  Accept Annual Reports - On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Rogers, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the Acceptance of Annual Reports article.  (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Rogers – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes)     

Article 5:   School Space Needs - On a motion made by Rogers and seconded by Lindsay, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the School Space Needs article.  (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Rogers – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes)
Article 12:  Amendment to the Administrative Bylaws, Section 1.18 Wetlands Bylaw - On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the Amendment to the Administrative Bylaws, Wetlands Bylaw article subject to information obtained at the public hearing to be held on April 12, 2006.   (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes, Rogers – no)

Article 13:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section 2.5.4 Water Resource Protection District - On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Water Resource Protection District article subject to information obtained at the public hearing to be held on April 12, 2006.   (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes, Rogers – no)

Article 14:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section 2.3.2 (g)  Types of Districts and Permitted Uses - On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the Amendment to Zoning Bylaws, Types of Districts and Permitted Uses article subject to information obtained at the public hearing to be held on April 12, 2006.   (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes, Rogers – no)

Article 15:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Sections 2.3.4 Schedules of Types of Uses - On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Schedules of Types of Uses article subject to information obtained at the public hearing to be held on April 12, 2006.   (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes, Rogers – no)
Article 16:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section (g) (2) Backland Zoning - On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Backland Zoning subject to information obtained at the public hearing to be held on April 12, 2006.   (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes, Rogers – no)

Article 17:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section (a) Size of
Restricted Areas, Farmland and Open Space Planned Residential Development - On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Size of Restricted Areas, Farmland and Open Space Planned Residential Development article subject to information obtained at the public hearing to be held on April 12, 2006.   (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes, Rogers – no)

Article 18:  Enter into Lease with Nashoba Regional School District - On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve the Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Size of Restricted Areas, Farmland and Open Space Planned Residential Development article subject to information obtained at the public hearing to be held on April 12, 2006.   (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes, Rogers – yes)

Mr. Shnitzler stated that he would like to understand what the appropriate amount of free cash should be to be fiscally responsible with an operating budget of $16 million?  Town Administrator Jodi Ross agreed to send some information to the Advisory Committee regarding this matter.  Ms. Ross also stated that the Selectmen have discussed setting standardized financial policies to implement for the town.  

Meeting adjourned.