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Advisory Committee Minutes March 7, 2006
Advisory Committee                                      Present:        Christopher Slade
March 7, 2006                                                           David Lindsay
                                                                                Wendy Rogers
Burt Shnitzler
Richard Fly

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.   

The Committee reviewed the Annual Town Meeting Articles as follows:

Article 1:  Unpaid Bills for Fiscal Year 2005  - Approved
On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Rogers, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Rogers – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes)

Article 2:  Accept Annual Reports – deferred to next meeting

Article 3:  Fiscal Year 2007 Operating Budgets – deferred to next meeting

Article 4:  Purchase of a Vehicle Exhaust Emissions System at Fire Station – Approved.  On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Rogers, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Rogers – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes)

Article 5:  Design and Construct a Wastewater Treatment Plant at Florence Sawyer and Emerson Schools  and Article 6:  Rescind the May 2004 Vote Authorizing the Borrowing for the Upgrade of the Florence Sawyer and Emerson Schools Septic System - deferred to next meeting.   Mr. Slade stated that the Committee is working on determining a more accurate cost of the project before town meeting.  The Committee will get an update from Town Administrator Jodi Ross at next Advisory Committee Meeting.

Article 7:  Purchase of New Highway Truck – deferred to next meeting.  Mr. Slade stated that Mr. Brown, Director of Public Works was willing to pull this article.  The Advisory Committee would like to see the equipment purchases spread out.  

Article 8:  Continuation of Clean Up of Gasoline Contamination -  On a motion made by Rogers and seconded by Lindsay, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Rogers – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes)

Article 9: Installation of Sidewalks along Main Street – deferred to next meeting.

Article 10:  Upgrade of Traffic Lights at Route 110/Route 117 – deferred to next meeting.

Article 11:  Tree Replacement Program - On a motion made by Fly and seconded by Lindsay, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Rogers – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes)

Article 12:  Expansion of the Library – deferred to next meeting

Article 13:  Purchase of Mentzer Property - On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Rogers – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Fly – yes).  The Advisory Committee was in favor of this purchase to eliminate the development of houses.   The Advisory Committee would like to discuss the borrowing with the Board of Selectmen.  

Article 14:  Amendment to the Administrative Bylaws, Section 1.18 Wetlands Bylaw and Article 15:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section 2.5.4. Water Resource Protection District – Conservation Commission members Scott Duhaime, Lori Stephenson and Ed Englemann and Conservation Commission Administrator Carol Gumbart met with the Advisory Committee.  Ms. Gumbart explained that this article was to eliminate the Water Resource Protection District and simplify by incorporating into the Wetland Bylaw.  

Article 16:  Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws, Section (g) and 2.3.6 (a) – deferred to next meeting.

Article 17:  Drainage Issues – deferred to next meeting.

Article 18:  Acceptance of Statute to Transfer Town Retirees to a Medicare Extension Plan – Mr. Lindsay recommended that this article be approved.  Mr. Lindsay stated that he had provided a summary to Town Administrator Jodi Ross and would discuss with her in an attempt to blend his summary with the present summary.  A suggestion was made that the article include a phrase to clarify it covers current employees and not those hired after June 30, 2006.  

Article 19: Enter into Lease with Nashoba Regional School District – The Advisory Committee would like to discuss this article with the Board of Selectmen at an upcoming meeting.  Their feeling is that a 20 year lease is too long.  They also felt that a public hearing should be held prior to signing of the lease.

Article 20:  Receipts Reserved for Appropriation Sale of Real Estate – Moen Land – deferred to next meeting for discussion with Town Administrator Jodi Ross.

The Advisory Committee requested the following for their next meeting on Tuesday, March 14, 2006:

-       Updated FY07 budget spreadsheets
-       Updated tax rate projections
The agenda for Tuesday, March 14 is as follows:
7:30 p.m.       Ambulance Department Budget Discussion
8:15 p.m.       Police/Communications Budget Discussion with Chief Alfano

Meeting adjourned.