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Advisory Committee Minutes February 14, 2006
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Scott Powell
February 14, 2006                                                               David Lindsay
                                                                                Chris Slade
Wendy Rogers
Burt Shnitzler
Richard Fly

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.   Minutes of February 7, 2006 were read and approved.

PRESENT:  Bob Zak and Chris Sterling, Library Trustees and Kelly Collins, Library Director
Mr. Zak highlighted some points regarding the Library:  

The Library continues to be the most-used community resource in Bolton.  The circulation for 2005 was 47,042 items which is up compared to last year.  There were nearly 24,000 visits to the Library in 2005.  Approximately 130 children's programs were held during the year.  The Library is active in the CWMARS network -- supplying almost 6,000 items from our collection to other Libraries in the network.  Phil Whalen was promoted to the position of Assistant Director.  The Library received a donation of an automatic defibrillator and the Library staff has received training.  The Library is constrained by the limits of the current quarters.   They were unable to accommodate the request to display the "Apple Art" for pure lack of space.

Articles:  Mr. Zak reminded everyone of the approval from the last annual town meeting for a schematic design for a Library expansion program for which they were awarded a provisional grant from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) of nearly $2.5M.  At the Special Town meeting in November approval was not granted for the expansion and the override did not pass.  Given the support from the community, and taking into account feedback from the voters they are moving forward with an article at the May 1, 2006 Annual Town Meeting for the expansion.  They are focusing on the capital campaign to reduce the cost of the expansion.  They have hired a consultant to assess what the town can provide as private support. Their goal is to go to town meeting and request less than half of the $7 million.  They are also looking at the size of the expansion and the MBLC would be favorable to a 5-10% reduction in the useable area.  

They have also submitted a second article for the May 1, 2006 Annual Town Meeting for funds to make overdue repairs to the Library if the expansion article fails.  After much discussion the Advisory Committee suggested that they concentrate their efforts on passing Article 1 regarding the expansion and recommended that the article to handle repairs be pulled from the warrant.  

Budget:    The Library budget is $190,351 which represents an 8.4% increase over last year.  The budget includes an increase to the salary and wages accounts based on the FY07 salary schedule.  It also includes an increase in books, materials, and supplies, and an increase for heating and electric utilities.   They have also budgeted for a commercial off-site climate-controlled storage of $1,350.   

The Committee is scheduled to meet as follows:

Tuesday, February 28, 2006:  Nashoba Regional School District Budget Discussion
Tuesday, March 7, 2006:  Police and Communications Budget Discussion (including traffic lights at Route 117/Route 110)
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Other discussions/meetings to take place with representatives, Boards and Committees include:

Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee; Minuteman; Planning Board; Mentzer Property, Main Street.

On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler, the Advisory Committee voted to approve a transfer in the amount of $3,000 to pay the deductible for the Michael Barry claim.  The total amount of the deductible is $5,000.  The other $2,000 will be paid out of the existing deductible line item account 945-5746.  (Powell – yes, Rogers – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes, Slade – yes, Fly - not present for this vote)

The Advisory Committee was invited to attend the appointment and pinning ceremony of Police Chief Vincent Alfano at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Thursday, February 16, 2006.   

Meeting adjourned.