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Advisory Committee Minutes January 4, 2006
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Scott Powell
January 4, 2006                                                         Christopher Slade
                                                                                Wendy Rogers
                                                                                David Lindsay
                                                                                Burt Shnitzler
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.

Mr. Shnitzler stated that he attended the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee meeting this morning and they discussed the scope of the project.  Mr. Shnitzler expressed his satisfaction with the direction the Committee is going in.  He stated that the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee is meeting on Thursday, January 12, 2006 with Tata and Howard.   A meeting is also being scheduled for January 19, 2006 with the Board of Selectmen when all boards will be invited to attend the meeting to discuss the wastewater treatment plant project.  

The Advisory Committee agreed that there was a positive consensus regarding the proposed compensation plan but they had not taken a vote as yet.   The Personnel Committee has recommended a 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA).  The Advisory Committee would like opportunity to be sure that the proposed plan is in line with the schools and private sector.

The Advisory Committee conducted interviews with the following people to talk about their interest in serving on the Advisory Committee and what they can bring to the table.

Richard Fly:  Mr. Fly stated that his family has been in Bolton for 3-1/2 years and he is getting progressively more involved in the town.  He has served on the Florence Sawyer School Council, and the Superintendent’s Strategic Planning Committee for the Nashoba Regional School District and is currently a member of the Bolton School Building Needs Assessment Committee.  He has a son at Florence Sawyer School and daughter at the high school.  Mr. Fly senses a bit of turmoil and division of the town with the recent vote at the special town meeting and he would like to be part of the effort to bring the town back together.  

He has local elected official experience which includes being a member of the School Committee in Connecticut and as chairman of the Berlin/Boylston Regional School Committee.  He understands the challenges of balancing priorities and dealing with limited budgets along with the importance of communication.  Doesn’t feel he has a strong finance background, but has had to manage budgets, and follow budgets as a reporter.  Supporter of Michael Wood and the School District.  District managed well and support of town has been remarkable in resolving the financial situation.  He does not have to travel frequently.  

His believes in the town needs (i.e. Library, Police Station, conservation) but realizes we can’t have it all now.

Peter Brouillette:  Mr. Brouillette stated he is a novice at town government.  He has been in town for 5 years and has a child at Florence Sawyer School and one at high school.  The Committee gave a summary of their responsibilities.

Mr. Brouillette is a general manager with company and does have some flexibility with traveling.  Besides four overseas trips per year his schedule is quite flexible.  He does have to travel the first week of May, but Advisory Committee agreed 2-3 months leading up to the annual town meeting was more important than being present at the annual town meeting.  
Mr. Brouillette feels the most important thing is adequate schools.  He is pleased with the school system and received positive feedback.  He also felt it was important to make sure growth is contained although some growth is expected.  Growth of business sector to help with the taxes would helpful.  He has heard that the feeling of town residents is they do not get the services for the taxes they are paying.  He thought the Smith property was a move in the right direction of fixing up the town center.
Iris Berdrow:  Ms. Berdrow has been in town for 9 years.  Her interest is to provide objective, informed opinions on issues facing the town.  She has a sense of how town government runs and the kinds of issues that have become difficult with the town to deal with.  She feels the town benefits from people who can look at issues to judge both sides and come up with informed opinions.  She enjoys the town, it is a great place to live and would like to see it stay this way.   She would like to contribute back to the town.   Like to contribute something back to the town and Advisory appeals because it is objective.  Ms. Berdrow is working towards her citizenship.  

She sees private rights and community responsibilities as the major problems.   Her priorities are to preserve the character of the town and worries about places like the horse farm on Wattaquadock Hill Road.  Education is not a priority on her own radar screen but understands it is important.   She felt the town had some responsibility for the Smith property.  

On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Rogers, the Advisory Committee voted to appoint Richard Fly.  The Advisory Committee agreed that they had three qualified candidates and would like to be able to be able to offer to alternative Boards/Committees with vacancies that Peter Brouillette and Iris Berdrow could serve on.  (i.e. School Needs Assessment Committee and the Board of Appeals.)  Chairman Powell will contact the nominating committee (James Anker, Stan Wysocki and Betsy Cussen) and informed them of the Committee’s vote and recommendation for the other two candidates.

Library:  On a motion made by Rogers and seconded by Slade, the Advisory Committee approved the transfer for the Library (610-5580) in the amount of $205.00 to replace lost materials and purchase of materials as specified by the donors.  

Town Clerk:  The Advisory Committee received a note from the town clerk giving them a heads up that she had only budgeted for one election and would therefore need additional funds for the election in May since we had an election in November.  

Next meeting is Tuesday, January 17, 2006.