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Advisory Committee Minutes December 6, 2005
Advisory Committee                                      Present:        Scott Powell
December 6, 2005                                                        David Lindsay
                                                                        Christopher Slade
                                                                        Burt Shnitzler

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  Bob Zak was also present for this meeting.

Town Secretary Linda Day provided the Advisory Committee with the following documents:

1.      Suggestions regarding possible town meeting improvements
2.      2007 Budget message, worksheets, instructions
3.      Copy of Draft Bolton Affordable Housing Trust Document to be signed by the Trustees of Affordable Housing trust
4.      Copy of proposed updated compensation and classification plan for non-union positions.  The meeting is Tuesday, December 13 at 7:30 p.m. with Personnel Committee.  (This meeting was rescheduled to December 20, 2005).   
The Committee received a letter dated November 23, 2005 from David Bosselait informing them of his resignation from the Advisory Committee effective upon receipt of the letter.  Mr. Bosselait stated his professional responsibilities at present “no longer afford me the time to serve in the manner I feel the position requires”.   The Committee will run an ad in the Bolton Common as follows:

SEEKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER:  The Town of Bolton Advisory Committee is looking for a volunteer to fill a vacancy on its 6 member team.~ The Committee's primary responsibility is to make recommendations to Town Meeting on all warrant articles.~ It devotes a substantial amount of time and effort to reviewing the Town's annual budget and proposed capital spending activities.~ If you are interested in joining the Committee, please contact Linda Day, Town Secretary at 978-779-2297 or Also, please provide a brief written or electronic summary of your reasons for wanting to be a member of the Committee and of personal qualifications that you believe would make you especially effective in this role.

Mr. Powell stated that at the last two Selectmen’s meetings there has been a reasonable amount of discussion regarding the special town meeting and how things went, how people would like to see the town meetings improved in the future.  It is fair to say that there was some frustration expressed on part of the Selectmen in terms of the desire to have the Advisory Committee be more supportive of proposals put forward at the town meeting.  

The Advisory Committee had a discussion regarding the things they should do in preparation for the next town meeting.  Mr. Lindsay suggested that a limit be placed on the amount of capital projects brought forward per town meeting.   (i.e. Next annual town meeting deal with the wastewater treatment plant and house cleaning items).  He also suggested that a presentation be given on each capital project individually instead of a presentation at the beginning of town meeting on all capital projects.

The Committee discussed the importance of the town boards coming together to present their support instead of creating a division and causing confusion.  

Some members of the Advisory Committee felt the master plan would be helpful and encouraged more publicity to get more people involved versus the 5-6 people who are working on the master plan at present.  The town-wide survey on the website and mailings should be considered also.

Ms. Ross invited the Advisory Committee to attend the Board of Selectmen meeting on Thursday, December 15 at 8:15 p.m. for the discussion with the Master Planning Committee.

The Committee discussed ways in which presentations should be handled at town meeting to be fair to all.  Although some felt the presentations given at town meeting did not make a difference regarding the vote, the feeling was that all presentations should submitted by the deadline.  There appeared to be a difference of opinion regarding the applause or no applause.

Chairman Powell stated he really would like the Committee to clearly express their opinion to those making a proposal so they understand the conditions under which the Committee is willing to support such a proposal.

Mr. Shnitzler stated that he felt a disservice was given to the library project because after their presentation was given to the Advisory Committee, to the Advisory Committee, the Library people walked out thinking the Advisory Committee supported the project.

Mr. Zak stated that the library project is not dead.  He invited the Advisory Committee to attend the upcoming meeting with the Board of Selectmen.  

Mr. Shnitzler, liaison to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee asked for time on the next Advisory Committee agenda to discuss the project.  

On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Slade, the Advisory Committee approved a transfer to the Parks/Recreation Committee (Account # 630-5200) in the amount of $750 to offset the purchase of service spending for the swim instructor.  This amount is offset by fees charged and collected for the swim lessons. (Powell – yes, Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes).

On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Slade, the Advisory Committee approved a transfer to the Post Secondary Voc Education (Account # 303) for $5,854 for tuition for out of district student.  This is the first half bill or one student for the 2005/2006 school year.  (Powell – yes, Slade – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes).

Meeting adjourned.