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Advisory Committee Minutes October 4, 2005
  Advisory Committee                                            Present:        Scott Powell
October 4, 2005                                                         David Lindsay
                                                                                Chris Slade
                                                                                Burt Shnitzler

The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  Minutes of September 27, 2005 were read and approved.

Present for the meeting:  Library Building Committee members Roland Oschenbein, Bob Zak, Hank Amabile, John Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. Hurd, and Russ Karlstad

Septic System:  The Advisory Committee was provided with a plan of the septic system that was sketched by Hancock Engineering.  The plan addressed the issue of location of septic system to well of the abutting property.  It appears that the system as designed by Hancock Engineering fits as a field system versus a trench system.  The plans have been discussed with Mr. Brookings, Sanitarian, of Nashoba Associated Boards of Health who looked favorably at the proposal but it is the local Board of Health that will need to review and approve.

The Library must start by 2006 but a completion date is not clear.

The Library Committee discussed a tight tank as an interim solution until the construction of the wastewater treatment plant.  Ms. Rogers stated that DEP does not allow tight tanks for this type of situation, but, if the permitting process took place for the proposed system and in the end everything came together with the wastewater treatment plant DEP may look favorable at treatment plant approach.

Cost of Heating:  Mr. Zak provided a basis of the cost estimates.  Heating comes in at $10,000 for phase I (current hours) and $11,000 for phase II (expanded hours).  The Advisory Committee discussed the discrepancy in their booklet related to the heating costs.  Mr. Zak will review and provide revised heating costs along with the number of gallons.
Basement:  Mr. Oschenbein reported that although the idea of a basement does have a certain amount of common sense, the grant may be jeopardized if the basement is proposed for other uses other than the Library.  To excavate and finish the basement including the elevator and other costs associated with having the basement the total impact could be approximately $500,000.  

The campaign committee has received approximately $100,000 thus far in donations.

Mr. Storey met with the Advisory Committee and reviewed the articles as proposed for the special town meeting warrant. The first two paragraphs of the article will read as follows:

To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 55C, to create the Bolton Affordable Housing Trust Fund for the purposes of providing for the creation and preservation of affordable housing in Bolton for the benefit of low and moderate income households and to establish a Board of Trustees of at least six (6) members, three (3) to be the members of the Board of Selectmen, the remaining trustees to be appointed by the Board of Selectmen, the non-Selectmen Trustees to serve for a term of two (2) years, so arranged that the term of at least one (1) non-Selectmen Trustee shall expire each year.

The powers of the Board of Trustees, all of which shall be carried on in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 55C, shall be the following, except that the purchase, sale, lease, exchange, transfer or conveyance of any interest in real property shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen, and except that the incurring of any debt, borrowing of money, granting of mortgage or the pledging of trust assets is subject to the approval of Town Meeting by a two-thirds majority vote.

Mr. Storey asked for clarification on the “pledging of trusts assets”.  Advisory Committee members agreed that it mean real property or monies was subject to approval of Town meeting.  

Mr. Storey informed the Advisory Committee that the Affordable Housing Partnership is meeting on Thursday, October 6 and he is going to recommend funds of $24,405.53 be returned to the general fund versus transferring to the trust fund as stated in the article on the STM warrant.  Mr. Storey questioned whether this article could be dropped if the Affordable Housing Partnership voted this or if an article would be required to put in general fund as this article has already appeared once in a previous warrant.  The Committee was not sure of the answer to this question and Town Secretary Linda Day will speak with Town Administrator Jodi Ross regarding this.

Town Secretary Linda Day stated the Board of Assessors are meeting on Thursday, October 6, 2005 to determine the wording of their article related to the transfer of funds for the consultant to finish revaluation.

Creation of Affordable Housing Trust Fund:  On a motion made by Shnitzler and seconded by Lindsay the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Powell – yes, Slade –yes, Rogers – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes)

Taggart Property:   On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler the Advisory Committee voted to approve this article.  (Powell – yes, Slade –yes, Rogers – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes)

Smith Property:  A motion was made by Rogers and seconded by Shnitzler to disapprove the Smith Property.  The motion was withdrawn.  A motion was made by Lindsay and not seconded to approve the article.  The Advisory Committee discussed the article at length and agreed to table voting on the article until Thursday, October 6, 2005 at which time they hope to have a full Committee present.

Library Expansion:  A motion was made by Shnitzler and seconded by Rogers to approve the library expansion.  The Committee discussed at length and agreed to table voting on the article until Thursday, October 6, 2005 at which time they hope to have a full Committee present.

Mr. Powell reported that he attended the Financial Team Meeting this morning and was provided with actuals for FY05 and projections for FY07.   He stated the Treasurer/Accountant have a few things left to do to finalize for FY05.  The free cash projection is $800,000.  

Meeting adjourned.