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Advisory Committee Minutes Sept. 27, 2005
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Scott Powell
September 27, 2005                                                              David Lindsay
                                                                                Chris Slade
                                                                                Wendy Rogers
                                                                                Burt Shnitzler
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  Minutes of September 13 and September 20, 2005 were read and approved.

Chairman Powell reported that Mr. Oschenbein of the Library Building Committee contacted him and stated that he had a conflict with tonight’s meetings and therefore will meet with Advisory Committee on October 4, 2005.

Mr. Troup gave an update on status of the Smith property.   Mr. Troup, Mr. Swanton and Mr. Slade met with the Smith family on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 to discuss the purchase of the Smith property.   Although Mr. Troup did not feel the meeting itself was productive, he has talked with the Smith’s Attorney this morning and received a counter offer of $1.7 million.  The Smiths are also favorable to the idea of the purchase of the property after the clean up has been completed.   $300,000 would be needed to be advanced by the Town to the Smiths for clean up.  The article would be for a short term borrowing of $300,000 and the eventual bonding of $1.7 million.  The purchase would take place after one year of clean up and one year of monitoring by DEP.   DEP has to have two seasons of satisfactory operation of a clean site in order to sign off on it.

Mr. Troup stated a meeting has been scheduled for Selectmen and Advisory Committee to meet on Thursday, September 29, 2005 at 8:00 p.m.  

The Committee looked at plans showing the Taggart property.  An estimated 450,000 yards of gravel can be taken from this property.

Mr. Slade pointed out that this land, if bought, should be for municipal and other purposes and should not be considered Conservation land.  He stated that if another piece of land became available and was even better for some purpose, this land should be free for sale to offset the cost of the better land. This parcel would be considered landbanked.

The group reviewed the financial model as prepared.  Mr. Troup expressed concern with the baseline used in the model.  Mr. Troup felt that the projected tax rate should reflect the increase in valuation.  Discussion took place as to how this model could be presented at town meeting.

Mr. Powell reported that Mr. Oschenbein stated they have been exploring the basement suggestion and the drawback is the impact on the grant as it is to be for Library use only.  They have reviewed the plans already with the state granting authority.  The Advisory Committee’s suggestion would be to say they would like to add the basement for future expansion.  The Committee reviewed various areas of the Library Expansion report provided to them.   The Library Committee is also researching various options related to the septic system. Mrs. Rogers and Mr. Slade pressed the point that this problem must be addressed and solved before Town Meeting.

Town Secretary Linda Day reported that the Board of Assessors are meeting on Thursday, September 29, 2005 and will have the money amount for their article after this meeting.

Nat Tipton, Town Planner is still working on the language for the rezoning of Skinner/Slater parcels.  

Town Administrator Jodi Ross has not received comment from Town Counsel regarding the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Article/Membership as yet.   

Meeting adjourned.