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Advisory Committee Minutes August 9, 2005
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Christopher Slade
August 9, 2005                                                          Wendy Rogers
                                                                                Scott Powell
                                                                                David Lindsay
                                                                                Burt Shnitzler
The Advisory Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  

Ken Troup, Board of Selectman was also present.

Town Administrator Jodi Ross stated that Joanne Jenkins has not had opportunity to finalize financials to be able to provide a free cash figure.

On a motion made by Slade and seconded by Lindsay the Advisory Committee voted to close out the reserve fund and transfer the remaining balance (estimated at $98,000 plus or minus) to the snow and ice deficit once the Town Treasurer has completed the fiscal year end 2005 financials.    (Slade – yes, Rogers – yes, Powell – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes)

The Board of Selectmen have scheduled time at their Thursday, August 18th meeting to discuss warrant articles such as housing trust, Skinner rezoning, and retiree health insurance.  (Mr. Lindsay, Mr. Shnitzler and Mr. Slade plan to attend, Mr. Powell and Ms. Rogers are not available to attend).
The Committee spent some time discussing the following:  

Housing trust article:  Mr. Powell stated that during previous discussions and review of correspondence regarding the housing trust article there have been concerns related to the trust’s ability to make investments, in particular, the housing trust having the authority to take on debt, accept mortgages, etc.
Ms. Rogers referred the Committee to paragraph 2 which she felt was confusing as it referred to the Affordable Housing taking on debt, but then felt it also referred to the fact that they could not take on debt without town meeting vote.    The Committee would like to see paragraph 2 revised to eliminate the portion of sentence including “the borrowing of money, granting of mortgage or the pledging of trust assets”.

The Committee would like to see the appointment of the trustees done differently, and suggested that the 2 members other than the 3 Selectmen be appointed by the nominating committee versus by the Board of Selectmen.    Another suggestion was to have more members than 5 possibly 6.

The Committee discussed other areas of the document where they would like to see revisions.  Town Administrator Jodi Ross will discuss the revisions with Town Counsel.  The Advisory Committee will then provide the Housing Affordable Partnership summary of suggestions discussed by Advisory Committee after responses from Town Counsel.  

Other areas included (2): deleting “including without restriction investments that yield a high rate of income or no income; (11): add subject to approval by town meeting; (12): the Committee asked for clarification; (14): deleting “and to abandon, in order”;  

Skinner rezoning:  Ms. Rogers stated that she has heard comments regarding spot zoning; Town Administrator Jodi Ross stated that there will be a meeting tomorrow night with the Slater’s regarding the idea of rezoning both sides of the road.  

Retiree health insurance:  Ms. Ross stated she does not have any additional information to add to the discussion at the Board of Selectmen meeting on August 4, 2005 regarding the retiree health insurance.  Town Treasurer Joanne Jenkins is researching further for additional information and contacting the town of Bolton retirees to determine if they are on the senior plan, and if so the date they joined, etc.  

Ambulance funds: Ms. Ross reported that the ambulance funds held in a separate account has been rectified by closing out the account and all ambulance funds going forward will go through the town treasurer in a reserve receipt account previously voted by the Board of Selectmen.

Waste Treatment Plant Committee representative:  Burt Shnitzler will be the liaison to the Waste Treatment Plant Committee.

Disposition of the Police Cruiser (2001 Ford Crown Victoria):   The Advisory Committee agreed to accept bids for the Cruiser.  Town Administrator Jodi Ross stated that the Board of Assessors and Ambulance Department were not interested in this vehicle.

On a motion made by Lindsay and seconded by Shnitzler the Advisory Committee authorized the sale of the police cruiser.    (Slade – yes, Rogers – yes, Powell – yes, Lindsay – yes, Shnitzler – yes)

The Committee spent some time talking about the financial plan of the town of Bolton and how the capital expenditures (such as Library, Police Station, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Smith’s, APR’s, etc.) will affect the tax rate going forward.  Mr. Powell shared a copy of the Financial Plan chapter of the Master Plan with the Committee.  Mr. Troup stated he has reservations about some of the information in the document that provided 20 year projections.  Mr. Powell felt looking at a 5 year projection is meaningful in terms of projecting a spending project and capital items.

Mr. Troup reported that the last time he spoke with the Taggart family they were favorable to deferring part of the payment if the Town were to decide to purchase the property.   Mr. Troup shared with the Advisory Committee an idea he had regarding the purchase of the property.  He suggested having the town meeting approve the purchase for the total amount but having an article to appropriate an amount the town could afford without borrowing.  If the proposed amount were $50,000 for the first three years, and three years from now the Town could close the deal with them.  During the three year period the town could decide what to do with the property (i.e. housing, school, fields) and then close the deal, buy the land, and do the bonding.  

Smith Property:  Joel Loithersten is scheduled to meet with the Board of Selectmen on August 18th to provide the final report.  The Board of Selectmen will then be able to decide whether they want to move forward. Mr. Troup’s feeling is that there will not be an article on the special town meeting for this property.

Wastewater treatment plant:  An article for the wastewater treatment plant will not be needed for the special town meeting.

Ms. Ross reported that she will be meeting with a company regarding on-line payments in the near future for paying fines, real estate taxes, etc.

On a motion made by Rogers and seconded by Lindsay the Advisory Committee voted to approve the request in the amount of $340.00 for Veterans Services. Town Secretary Linda Day reported that the veteran is entitled to a one time benefit reimbursement.  The town will be reimbursed 85%.  The gentlemen informed our Veterans Agent that he will make every effort to pay the town back the 15%.

Meeting adjourned.