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Advisory Committee Minutes August 30, 2005
Advisory Committee                                              Present:        Christopher Slade
August 30, 2005                                                         Wendy Rogers
                                                                                Scott Powell
                                                                                David Lindsay
                                                                                Burt Shnitzler
                                                                                David Bosselait

Chairman Powell called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.  Board of Selectmen member Panny Gerken was also present.

Mr. Jim Flaherty of the Library Building Committee was present.
Mr. Lindsay stated he had a discussion with Mr. Kenneth Swanton who informed him that a majority of members of the Master Planning Committee are opposed to the proposed Library expansion and would prefer a much smaller expansion.  Mr. Swanton asked Mr. Lindsay if the Advisory Committee had discussed this expansion and their position.  Mr. Lindsay read aloud an article published in the Conservation Trust newsletter questioning the expansion of the proposed library.   The article stated that while some Master Planning Committee members supported the proposal most prefer to only triple the size of the library.  Mr. Bosselait stated that he is a member of the Trust and takes exception to the article in Conservation Trust newsletter.  His feeling is that if the Master Planning Committee wanted to issue a statement so be it.  

Mr. Flaherty stated that if the size of the Library was decreased more than 10% we would not meet the Massachusetts Library Committee minimum guidelines and would have re-apply for the grant.   The question for the town becomes – Do they want a substantially smaller library that the town pays for or a bigger Library partially funded by a State Grant.  Ms. Rogers asked what else the Library is going to bring to the town that perhaps hasn’t been thought of (i.e. meeting rooms)  Is the library space going to support gatherings of people on a social level.  Mr. Flaherty stated that the program room that accommodates 70 people is well suited for what Ms. Rogers is describing.  

It was suggested that the article amount be reduced by the amount of funds for the nice to haves.  
Ms. Rogers suggested that the Library Building Committee hire an Architect to review the plans such that we don’t run in to overruns based on change orders.   

The Library Building Committee is scheduled to meet with the Advisory Committee in the next two weeks and will be prepared to discuss the building and capital costs, operating costs, preliminary timeline and their capital campaign plan.  

Ms. Ross, Town Administrator provided an update on the history of the ambulance services.  The ambulance was a volunteer service, and the town voted to allow for us to bill for ambulance services. At the time the receipt reserve account had not been established and the ambulance department managed the funds for billing and donations.  The Selectmen have since established the receipt reserve account.   $196,000 was turned over to the town and the Town Accountant is in the process of conducting a complete reconciliation back to when the town started billing for ambulance services.   The reconciliation has not been completed but Ms. Ross provided the Committee with preliminary information that showed indicated the receipt reserve account has approximately $117,000 and donations account has approximately $77,000.  The interest on the account is $3,400.  There is still some information to sort out and the Accountant continues to work on this to determine how some of the expenses should be handled.  Ms. Ross stated that the Selectmen chose not to put guidelines on the receipt reserve account but that alcohol or sales tax could not be paid out of this account. If there is anything unusual submitted for payment it will be brought to the Town Administrator’s attention, but the Board of Selectmen do review and approve the bills through the warrant process.  

In the ambulance budget $2,000 is budgeted for wages, $7,500 is budgeted for supplies, $13,820 is budgeted for EMT training for a total of $46,320.   The amount requested in the article will be to pay for Advance Life Support services that are provided to patients of the Bolton Ambulance Service.  The Advisory Committee supported the article although they did not take an official vote this evening.

Town Administrator Jodi Ross reviewed the FY2006 debt service available for pay down prepared by the Town Treasurer Joanne Jenkins with the Advisory Committee.  

Free cash is looking good; all department heads are working hard at turning back money which is estimated at $400,000.

The Committee was provided with a copy of the draft special town meeting warrant.  The Committee will begin review at their next meeting.

Meeting adjourned.